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Hey everyone,

Not content this week (well no fancy images). I have managed to push up a few more bug fixes. Currently they are only on the 64 bit version but I'll do builds this weekend and update the other versions too.

The Town citizens should be back where they are supposed to be. Somehow they were getting linked to a different map but they are back now.

I also managed to fix the issue in town with getting frozen. This was a wierd one and took ages to track down. But a very old piece of code had become disconnected and was running periodically but failing. That "should" have been fixed but in theory could be broken elsewhere but I hope not.

I've also updated the save structure for the arcade. It is possible to soft lock the game if you manage to beat the arcade boss but the game crashes or you fall out of the dream level. I've now updated it so the dream boss should remain in place until you have completed the dream sequence. If something goes wrong you should be able to re-battle the boss and won't find yourself locked up.

I've also started working on a few other minor things. I've added a closet during the game opening so you should be able to grab a different starting outfit. This just helps with characterisation.  I was able to set up a "container" that already contained items so I hope I can use this for other uses.

I also decided to update the healing balm. This is an item you can buy at the Dr's office. This item never made sense so I've updated it to not use up a "turn" if you use it in the middle of combat. Given energy and turns are so important. I also increased the energy from the crystals you can create.

I've tried to find the level load bug but havn't had any luck yet. There's nothing leaping out and the screen turning grey is very strange as there isn't any grey transition screens. I'll keep looking.

Those are most of the actual big things. If these bugs were an issue you should be able to update the game with. But obvoiusly there are no content updates this is just a bunch of smaller bugs.

That's all for now I'm going to get back to work.


john n

so i think the soother is broke i cant engage combat as i keep getting licked by the ghost and dying. also i noticed the npc in town are back do they have dialogue completed? and final thing the 360 cam i dont see a difference between the 2 cameras.


If you are referring to the new lab area, I do not believe there is supposed to be an alarm clock. If you want to stay up to continue the story, then you need to use your time advance ability to progress the day forward.


I have the same issue. Ghosts knock you out even with the soother,softlocking progression.


Hello another bug, the public telephone does not give an indication on the continuation. I'm stuck after falling into the cave and being teleported to the dorms. I don't understand what I should do next


same for me with being attacked by licker every night, also if i go back to gnosis lab the doc thinks i lost the soother and gives another. but its like the games doesnt see you have it...


Yeah looks like I didn't fix it properly I'll push another update in a day or two with a fix