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Hey everyone,

Very quick post I won't obvoiusly get the latest build out today. Not to worry it won't be another week I'll try and push it out this weekend.

I've got most stuff in. I'm now bug finding fixing and trying to stamp out different soft locks ext. It's a slow process because you have to play everything in multiple different ways and your always finding a new bug you somehow missed.

I still have a few softlocks I need to get rid of before I can release. Once I've done that I need to roll back to an early save and play through everything multiple times to look for any remaining issues. After that I"ll push out and fix anything people find while playing.

That's all for now I'll have a new post for you all in a couple days!



Sounds phenomenal, will look forward to it with eagerness as always!


I eagerly await the release!


Same! I have been checking this page constantly since Thursday.