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Hey everyone,

No cool images this week. I've mostly been working on a few requested features/bug fixes.

So I've managed to fix the "new game" bug. This time when you clear you save file it should no longer retain any information from your previous save file. This was an interesting bug. The best way to explain it is that it wasn't possible to completely clear some information from your game file. I was looking at having to set each save file property to default manually but I found I think a decent solution. Now when you clear a save game file it will basically re-load the whole game quickly to clear out any residual data.

I've just added another often requested feature which is Autosave. This option isn't on by default but you can turn it on in the options menu. I have been reluctant to add this feature so far so players didn't accidently override a save file.

The Auto save system is connected to a timer and "important" events.  It won't save more frequently than every 60 seconds or so and at the moment it saves when you transition between maps or link to a new map load point. You will still see the same "game saved" popup when it occurs so you'll know the game is currently saving.

I've also adjusted the main camera. The new camera settings include a new camera angle that is much higher and more overhead to make travel on the roads easier. I've also restricted the view angles of the default camera so you can no longer look behind you.

Now I know people want to be able to look in 360 degree directions so I've added the option to allow unrestricted rotation in the menu. This is being called an experimental feature. I have done this because the game world is not designed to be seen from every angle. I need a disclaimer so I don't get bug reports that things "look weird" from angles that I didn't design them to be seen from. I still want players to have the freedom to angle the camera the way they want so I think this is a good compromise.

I've got some new sequences for the Daycare I need to implament and just sent out a few templates for the Arcade.  This week I'm going to be doing more work on the new game area along with adding the story elements that should link the current game areas to the new area!



I cant wait for the update!


Love the fact that you added in an auto save feature was wondering if there are any plans for possibly adding fast travel points that you could unlock throughout the story or just in the debug menu


Oh yeah absolutely a plan for that. There is one fast travel using the hand held device you can find in the caves. That will teleport you to the Gnosis labs at the university but I'll be adding more soon!


This game is really looking great. Even in it's current unfinished form, I take great joy in playing it.


I think by 360 camera people mean being able to move the camera left and right all the way around, not being able to move it up and down too. I appreciate this could really mess with meshes.


Oh that's what I've implamented so its more full rotation camera. You still can't move up and down. The big issue is more if you flip the camera to look backwards when like walking to the town you can't see the town in the distance or other areas that havn't loaded


I can't make the game "look" correct from thoes angles because it's just too performance intensive. I'd need to do a huge chunk of performance optimization and it would take time away from development. I might look at some like billboards or something. But yeah it's not "truly" an open world game just a series of interconnected maps


Finally got to the "end" of this game so far as far as the plot goes. I will say, the combat is pretty good. The story so far is fun. The quests and puzzles are intuitive, and the ambient quests aren't half bad. I could do with a faster way to get from place to place on the map, the scooters only go so fast, maybe a bus that you have to pay for? I love how NPCs will do things to you in the daycare. More of that is always welcome.


Honestly, while I have not yet seen how the 360 camera has been implemented, I think I will still prefer it even if there are some issues with blank parts of the map because of loading. Navigating the world happens all the time while blank maps would likely only be now and then.