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Hey everyone,

So nothing exciting to show off this time. I’ve been doing some performance improvements and bug fixing.

I’ve pushed up a hotfix for a number of obvious bugs. The big three are time travel shouldn't break the lighting if used in the cave. Events should no longer overlap in the Daycare. Several characters should no longer slowly fly into the air. Majorie should be fixed as well.

I’ve also got a possible fix for Claire's library quest. I'm not sure if this will fix it but it's worth a try.

For the moment the 64 bit branch of the project is the only part that has been updated. I’ll wait to see if any new bugs have been introduced before updating the other branches (possibly next week). As before you can grab this link to access the latest builds.

Again the only change is a few bug fixes.

Other than that I’ve been putting together some more templates for the writers. My short term priority is more templates and after I’ve managed to get a few more done I’ll get back to work on the arcade questing / boss area. That's all for now I'll have more updates next week!




Marjorie works again!


Goodness, that was fast. Appreciate the hotfix!


The kid in the mall that spanks you, no longer works in my game. However, he is not flying away anymore.


Thank you for updating with fixes. Bug fixes are just as important as big updates. :)


If you somehow manage to unequip Punch before the first class in the gym where you spar with Taylor, you become stuck. Your only option is to use Rest, and then Taylor just keeps using Rest on herself if you don't hit her after she hits you the first time. I kind of think it might be a good idea to make Punch a permanent ability that you always have equipped, in addition to anything else. At the very least, it's something.


I'm having problems with Claire tucking you in, when it's selected nothing happens. And at the nursery she will only read a story, I'm not sure if she is supposed to do something else.


That makes sense! Thank you, I'm very new to the game and Patreon. I've been playing nonstop since I have subscribed!


Bug Report: if you walk into the wall in Gnosis Labs in Juniper Town, you'll fall through the map and the game won't self-correct. The only way out is to teleport to dorm.


No problems I will return to those areas we are just working ahead on the story


Good evening to all a question that maybe have already done but not found. The characters in the various houses that there are between the university and the city are linked to some mission or apart from one are currently only presence?