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Hey everyone,

So I'm going to start getting some sequences from the writers next week. That means it's more likely I'll do an update early next month or late this month. I'm still working on ways to speed up the process but obviously I'm not directly creating them so I'll get them in when I can.

In the meantime I'm adding in more combat stuff. So a big one is I've added in the level up system. This took a little bit of work and will still require testing.

Your level is controlled by the number of figment fights and boss encounters. This should reduce the difficulty especially if your replaying alot. Obviously this will need to be adjusted over time.

While working on a few new abilities I realized I need a way for you to control your combat state. I've now added stat buffs to food. So healthy food boosts you into being nice and cute. While candy will make you happy but naughty. This isn't for all foods but as you experiment with eating you'll find you can control your status before entering combat.

I've also been working on some new player abilities. This includes
Tantrum: Uses all your energy to remove a percentage of the enemy and your health. This percentage is controlled by the energy you had when using the ability.

Decoy: Spawns a etherial duplicate. It can't do damage but enemies have a chance to attack it instead of you. Lasts untill the end of combat.

I havn't worked out all the bugs in the decoy yet. Adding extra "friendly" fighters still causes it to crash. It will help for story moments if you can have someone join you and I think the issues are solvable.

I've finished the construction of the Gnosis water lab and started work on the new figments and boss. I've started designing the figment abilities and boss fight but havn't worked them out just yet.

That's all for the moment I've got a huge chunk of work to do so I'll get back to work. Hopefully this week I'll start getting some nursury sequences in.




Happy to see the combat system being fleshed out. Will the level-up influence some stats (health,power...)? It would be neat to be able to expand your max energy and/or the number of active abilities in combat with each level. I feel like being capped to 5 energy and 4 abilities (especially since you are adding more) will make progression feel weird in the long term. Anyway, great job, can't wait to play the next update.


Ooh, new changes to combat/food - looking good! Looking forward to playtesting the changes, sounds like it will make combat fresh and interesting going forward.


Will we be able to finally be able to attend the daycare in the next update also can’t wait to see the new additions to combat


Wonder if you could implement diaper rash. Like it does slight damage over time basically forcing you to change your diaper or getting it changed.


Oh about about getting far into the game and lose the ability to change yourself or just losing the ability to tell when you have accidents.


Are kitty ears an accessory in the game yet?


A continence meter would be a good feature! IDK how but even if I try my hardest to keep my characters pants dry through the playthrough, I’m filling my diapers by the end AS SOON as I drink/eat.


Help is blocked at the beginning in university or turned out of all but I find nothing to unlock the situation I can't do the cave and I can't even go back the monsters I can fight are just 1 level and I tried to turn into the space between the port and university but I can't find anything anyone can help me?


Your question is difficult to answer. From this information I can't tell where you are stuck. In order to get into the caves you must explore the Cliffs at night to find a mysterious figment. You need to use baby powder on that figment to make it something you can fight. Once you've done that you can phase through the gate and access the town at night.


I think the further you progress the more you lose control.


thanks already so you have been of help to me. I try


it's not that you can give me an image or something that I have to look for or try to beat the whole area but apart from a monster that I can't attack I can't find anything


OH! Nice okay. That helps. To attack the monster. Travel into the town during the day. If you go into the mall or the supermarket you can buy babypoweder. In combat if you go into your inventory and "use' the babypowder on the invisiable ghost you can see to attack it! After you've defeated the ghost you'll get a new power.


thanks, i have to say i really did this game well and i have to say it is very complex Really nice even if I often find myself in trouble


Oh awesome, been struggling with this! I was trying the goggles and stuff, thinking maybe I'd missed an item from Gnosis, like a Sylph Scope kind of situation. The whole time is was just the old school D&D "throw a bag of flour at the invisible monster" trick, but for babies. Love it!