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Hey everyone,

Just a quick update on what I've been up to. So I was going to work on the arcade area but got sidetracked in some more setup stuff for the Nusury.

I wanted to get the ability to put the Bath into the event system. Just because I thought it was a sorta cool/important component. I'll probably update baths into a few other earlier locations.

This was a little more complex and involved a few animations and sorta "picking" up the player and placing them in the bath. Carrying hasn't bee extensivly used so far but I've been doing a few small things to update a couple sequences so that an NPC can "place" you into position. It's a bit janky in some places but it would be pretty complex to retrofit everthing and even then I don't think it will ever be "smooth" but I figure better to have the option than not.

So it involved me working on adding a few new locations and I've gone through the Nusury and added a bunch of event points so we can start writing the daycare stuff into this new area.

This stuff is a little complex but needs to be done.

So I'm hoping to get a couple more sequences from the writers and want to get a mini update out before the new year.  However, obvoiusly its a really busy time of year for eveyone so I might not be able to do that.

If I don't get it out I'll just package it and have a slighly bigger update in the new year.
As a warning I'll probably take a week or two off around the Holidays but I'll be back hard at work after that.

So that is the current plan and I"ll have more info next week!




This is awesome I can’t wait to see more


Omg cant wait to try all the new stuff in the nursury!


Take all the time you need. It is the holidays.


All this stuff seems super cool! Any chance we could see an update to some of the other romance options sometime soon? Taylor and Aiden haven't been touched in a while.


I'm excited with how quickly you keep making progress, the rest is well earned I think!


Yeah I hope the'll come along soon. I totally agree. They got paused because we put this whole sequence system into the game. We wanted to wait because it could be used on the romance stuff going forward. I'll have a chat with the writers but they certainly have plans