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Hey everyone!

So I've been working on a few different bits and pieces but mostly the beach area. This is the next area of the island that links the town to the dock.

I've managed to create the basic outline of the area and added a a fun animal friend. These are part of the Gnosis research facility in this section!

Along with this I've added a few more buildings and the workshop.

The area is pretty small but has a few key areas like the workshop, store, daycare and Gnosis facility. I'm pretty happy with the general structure but I do want to add a few more details and props to keep it feeling alive.

So my next priority is adding the interiors to this map. I'm not going to spend too long but make sure I hit the main areas like the workshop and the store. Especially because the workshop and store will give you a few more items to buy.

That's all for now but I've got a bit list of cool stuff to add so I'm going to get back to work!




The new beach front looks great !!! It's got me wondering, are you planning to add beach/ water themed items and accessories, like water wings, inflatables, swim nappies etc.... ?


Omg will be able to stay at the daycare eventually maybe have it to where some npcs if the smell that u made a stinky they drag u off there


Mabye the npc who becomes your cg could buy new furniture for your room if you've been a good boy/girl


I would love to see this also and mabye have a kidde pool at the daycare you can swim in and have a way to swim in the ocean in a confined area


So is the daycare at the playground at the edge of the photo?


Oh yeah I just didn't get a clear shot of it. Thats the planned daycare but obviously havn't built the interior yet


I'm really liking what I'm seeing. This is the best ab/dl game.


This all really looks fantastic


When you will add next game version to download?


I'm not sure just yet. Sooner than the last one. I tend to break things a bit between updates and I'm keen on getting stuff in!


Will we be able to stay at the daycare soon just curious