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Hey everyone,

So I've been taking it easy the last week just fixing a few small bugs and cleaning things up from the prevoius release.

It looks like most people have had a chance to play the latest update so I'm now planning out the next steps. I still have my huge Todo list which to be honest is more of a large project organisation board now. It contains allot of the feedback, bugs and suggestions from people along with the broad todo items.

So the next elements,

I hope to put more focus on this sequence system. I have a bunch of bugs to fix and some new events to put into the game. I'm going to make this my top priority over the main story for the next update.

I also need to start building the next area of the game the Beach zone. This area is blocked by the Gnosis trucks outside the caves. Once you defeat the cave boss these trucks will be gone giving you access to the beach side road.  I've already started work but this area needs alot more work.

I also want to put the "arcade" into the game properly. At the moment it's an empty play area but I plan to upgrade it with characters and make it a more integrated part of the world. The idea is the "games" will give you tokens allowing you to purchase special items/outfits.

I also have a big bug list and a request list from the writers for specific interactions so that will be a big part of the next steps.

But before all that I'm going to break down these tasks into items, todo lists and write myself up a plan for the next few months.

That's all for now I'll have more updates soon and I'll be getting back to work!



Oh quick question, im trying to do the belle side quest and everytime i talk to her she keeps asking if i have access to the town, is this a bug or do i have to find her in the day?


I'll check it out. You do need to get access to the town first by going to see the Scientist in the labs


I already been to the town,


Hmm when you accept the job from the Scientist it's supposed to flick that to on. Try puttin in the console. That might add the correct trigger. savevalue LabJob


Yep that fixed it


I loved the newest update the story sequence gave me a nice warm feeling I am looking forward to the day when npcs beside the nurse can change me


Take your time.


Also I love the new tutors and the boss fights


I would be great if later in current updates the 3d model have feet more detailed (At least have toes)


I have a few suggestions/requests after playing the most recent update as well as a bug or two which may or may not be on your list already: - 360* camera movement would be *awesome*, but if that's not doable, faster camera rotation would be acceptable. It takes so long to swing from one extreme to another and I often can't really see where I'm going too well. - I feel like sleeping should restore energy. Perhaps full night's sleep = full restoration, and splitting to go figment hunting only partially restores each time you sleep? Just a thought. - With the girl sitting on the floor in front of the TV in the dorms (can't recall her name), after the bit of dialogue about wanting a crib, I can't move until I use the debug menu option to get unstuck. - When trying to get into the Library with Claire, the screen goes grey and then I'm stuck there. No command or bug menu action gets me out. It's happened on a couple updates now. - Perhaps I'm missing something, but when I try to find the cave entrance, I'm blocked by a figment I "can't see." Is there a way to get by it that I'm missing? Thanks for all your hard work!


I started up a new save and I am having the same problems you are, I beat the unknown invisible figment before starting the cave quest however when I go to the cliffs to look it keeps triggering the unknown invisible figment fight, every time I beat it the "playpen dream" cut scene happens and then I wake up, I haven't been able to get into the caves. Also when I use run during the fight it puts me back before the unknown invisible figment fight triggers so I am incapable of getting around it.


never cheat and get the skills early


it will break the first battle that you have with that one girl on the first day


yeah I love to push things to the max to see what breaks the game and what doesn't. but that's how I'm able to find certain bugs in a lot of systems


note there is one bug that you can get if you do the library Quest a lot earlier like giving her the book before it's even do then you'll finally go into the library screen turns Gray I got a fix for that what if you had that book appear on the first day you could do her quest


oh and I've also been testing the incontinence system and I think it would be nice if you added some dialogue for when they regressed more along the lines of "Caregiver (mommy or daddy) I stinky" or "mmm wet" For when they regress from how they started