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Hey everyone,

Had a bit of a discouraging week. I wanted to quickly get a few abilities into the new figments as well as fix a few bugs but I ran into a bit of a cascade of failures.

So I added 3 new player abilities to unlock and each one basically managed to expose a new bug in the combat system. I also added a bunch of enemy attacks but each of those had some kind of problem. So nothing was as quick or easy as I wanted it to be.

One bug was allowing two combat's to overlap but it only would occur when one specific ability was used. It transpires that one ability would cause the player to become wet when rain was used. But the wet command I used would register the player as being active after it occured. This meant that the game could start up a new battle.

I stopped for a little bit to add another location into the game just because I needed a break to work on something different. This is just a prototype but the lighthouse is planned to be an end game location at the far side of the road leading into the town.

I also put together another figment design for the Cave boss.

This will probably require a few of the new player abilities to defeat. I havn't fully designed it but much like the Unkown powder boss it will have a few tricks.

Anyway that's all for now. I hope now that I've fixed those bugs I'll have a little more luck. I'm not sure exactly what I"m working on next but I have a huge todo list so I'm going to try and organise it into a better format and try and tackle a few of the bigger items like more ways of making money or some new world abilities. 




Well done, glad to see your not in trouble or anything. Take care of yourself man, your doing a great job.


loving the recent updates. games really coming together now.


You're so creative, i'm loving all of it! Such cute designs :)


Can I just say as a recent patreon that I love what you have been able to accomplish with such a relatively small team and amount of financial backing. As for boss figments I can only assume the one depicted above is some kind of mobile. Maybe it plays a lullaby that puts the player to sleep unless they are wearing something to protect themselves from the noise, maybe something like a special baby's bonnet (like the soother). That would be cool.


Yk I wouldnt mind being a beta tester finding all the bugs as I do love to explore games especially after updates


I wouldn't mind seeing a slot to wear shoes and add new shoes like slippers


or get to wear those prop shoes at the start of the game


Looking pretty good so far. Just remember not to stress too much. I'm sureyou hear it a lot, but if you need to rest, do so. We're not going anywhere, and your health is of great importance.


really take as much time as you need, no one should work or be stressed without having to.


Success is usually a valley found after tripping over a mountain of failures. Take heart. Problems found and fixed now don't have to be repaired later.


Anyone know how to get the Pacifier in the game? Is it a drop? If so which figment?


You can get the tech pacifier from prof. Casper. But the new pacifiers will be drops in the next update


not the tech pacifier the regular one that is gotten by cheats


is there another way to get it?


I don't believe they are in the game yet. As Gauche said, they are coming in the next update.


The ones being added Ik but theres one in the cheats that you can get I just dont know if it's able to be gotten another way unless itll have the same way as the others


Hey in a future update I would like to have the ability to fart on command. Sort of like with the sims with a green fart note. I just like diaper farts.