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Hey everyone,

So I’ve been working on a few bits and pieces to bring together the combat stuff into the main game. My current plan is to release a build early next week. This will consist of just the stuff I have been working on over the last couple months.

Just a reminder the last couple months have been pretty disrupted so don’t expect to see any content I haven’t talked about/shown specifically in my update posts. This means the story hasn’t really been expanded because that is the part I haven't been able to work on. I know that is annoying for everyone but that’s just the hand I’ve been dealt the last couple months.

The most obvious element is the updated combat/money/energy system. This is the biggest change in the game so far. I’m making these changes public so people can provide feedback on how they feel and what needs to be adjusted.

This update will also use a new element where some gates are closed at night preventing access to certain areas. This is to funnel you into a boss fight early on in the game as part of bringing combat as a more central mechanic.

So I’m going to be working on fixing a few last bugs and will have an earlier post next week with information / links.




I love what's in that GIF. That's such a clever idea!


What else besides the combat changes are going to be added? Like are the couple of new areas like the diner and cinema going to accessible even If there isn't much interaction at this point? And are there any new or expanded character interactions/side quest things for the "romance-able" characters? Just curious keep up the great work!


Not much for the romanc-able characters I"m affraid. Again just havn't had the right space to do it. But the new areas are accessible so you can check them out!


Cant wait!


looking forward to the update can't wait to test the 1st boss of the game. Life sucks and we understand. but best wishes we love ur stuff


Hey i had a little idea, but idk how useful it'd be at the games next major update stage, but is it possible to slide a little txt document in there with all item id's and stuff? if not thats fine it'd just make it a little easier to have them there in the files. :P love the game so much and keep up the amazing work!


I'm looking forward to the update! Even if it may not contain much story content, it'll still be cool to explore the new areas and test the combat!


Is the new update coming Thursday morning?

Dayle Overton

Ok so i downloaded the game and unlocked the playroom in the library. I also went around toward the "unseeable figment" after talking to Remi. But after i blacked out and reported my findings to the professor, i couldn't find Remi again when it turned to night. Also the options for story time and tuck me in with clair are not doing anything. Is that gonna be fixed with an update?


Yeah it's still in development your right up against the most recent stuff I've been working on so it can be a bit buggy. Hopefully that's the stuff I'll be working on nowish

Dayle Overton

Ok then I am all caught up. I just figured out how to use the Baby Powder against the invisible Figment, handed out Taylor's Stickers, suggested a training spot for Aiden, and all that stuff. It's really fun so far and I love how bloated the player character's diapee gets. Makes me wish the weight of the diaper would trigger the crawl since itd be too heavy to stand in, but maybe thats just my love for cartoon physics and logic. I will admit some of the actual interactions won't work when i want it to. Like helping Belle with her wet sheets. Especially when i want to put them back on her bed and not have twenty spares hogging up my closet. But that is my only gripe.


Thank you gor the update but I do not understand how to defeat the « unseeable » ennemy once I threw baby powder on it. All my attacks don’t work


There might be a bug there I hope to push out an update to fix it. The damage system seems to have a bug. I'm going to rip out a component then push an update that will hopefully fix it.


@Gauche Geek : Thank you for your answer. I thionk you should explain how we can unlock level 2 and other attacks which we could unlock in older versions (such as cold rain) that we cannot not unlock now.


Unfortuantely you can't unlock level 2 it's more of a difficulty ranking than actual level. The other abilities no longer work in the new system and need to be updated. I was re-ballancing and re-creating the old abilities to work within the new system sorry about that