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I had a pretty productive weekend. I think I found the style I want to do the enemies in the game. I got more done than I expected as I practiced creating them.

Obviously I need to work out good ways of animating but I think as ghosts they can remain pretty simple (This cuts down on enemy overhead giving me time for more monsters).

I debated revealing them more slowly but you may as well as see what I'm working on.


So to go along with these enemies is my thinking regarding how they sort of fit into the world. I'm not going to go full pokemon obviously but I think they look pretty cute and within theme for the game. So I thought about giving them little backstories that link to the main plot. 

As with Paddy Whack they would have a fear/physical "type" and be vunerable to specific emotion and attack types.

I'll probably have a few human opponents too, buuut I prefer the idea that your meetting your classmates and learning new abilities to adventure deeper and see new cool ghosts. I like interesting monsters as a motivation for seeking more challenges. 

I'm also forming an idea that all the "ghosts" and abilties come from different emotions. Creates a nice link between your powers and the things your fighting. I can also tie ABDL content in thematically while still having a main story about you gaining a degree in paranormal biology.

So that's where I'm at. I havn't started on the combat maths just yet. I've got a good idea on the sort of turn based system I want. I'm hoping I can use the flow graph's I've been working with to help me create an interesting and expandable system.

I'll have more updates later this week!




So spooky


Spooky i pee pee my pants becuse they are so scary


Ah! Not gonna lie, these Spoops are looking pretty good and I like your proposed tie-in to emotions and the powers you are planning. :)


oooooh! ghost enemies?... i think that would be awesome all things considered, plus it would make it easier to revolve a plot around :P! (also hope my last comment helped give you some ideas ^^)


OH yeah deff! I've been writing down a bunch of stuff to test. I totes wanna try some dialogue battles !