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Hey everyone,

As always a huge thankyou to my patrons!

I hope everyone got a chance to have a play of the latest demo! I've had a good look at the bug's and created a task list of things to fix. There were a few more bugs than I was happy with but thankfully unlike some previous demos these bugs are a bit more straightforward to fix.

So I'm still cleaning up a few loose ends this week but I'm now planning my next moves!


So I have 2 major aspects I still need to implement. The combat engine and the core save/load systems.

I already have a good core for the save and load systems after implementing the inventory. My plan is to build those systems when I start building out the main campaign. It's hard to tell how I'm going to structure levels and content until I start building it anyway. The real challenge will be level loading and I can't test that until I have levels to load.

The combat engine is the next big task. I'm planing on re-using the setup I used for the inventory. I can treat abilities and attacks as a special type of item that you can equip. The ability trees become a custom inventory (much like the way the player outfit works).

In the demo I had a hotbar for selecting items(That wasn't fully implemented). I'm actually going to just remove this. I think I was a little influenced by the first person RPG style setup. But there is no downside to just giving you access to your whole inventory during combat and it makes it substantially less complex. If you need a specific Item in game I can just ask your inventory if you have it (I already do that when buying items).

I need to sit down with excel (blech) and start to design a basic combat system that gives you enough depth to keep things interesting. I want a good balance of grind and depth. This will probably take a couple weeks to get something I'm happy with.

But now that I'm starting to look at the long term game construction. Frankly I'm not a great writer and I don't enjoy it. So I'm going to create a good dialogue construction tool so I can bring writers on to do dialogue.

If I can create this tool I can get people started on game dialogue while I'm still working on combat mechanics. I'm also hoping to find a 3D animator to help with a few animations along with a few other assets.

So that's the plan. I've got a few new cool tools I want to check out this week to see if it can't fix a few annoying workflow issues. I'll post about my progress later this week!



you could potentially make it a game where you don't/can't fight back and instead have to escape/run from enemies. It gives the player a choice of freedom of taking the game seriously, or having fun by getting captured and attacked or trapped by whatever is attacking them. Alternatively, you could make it in a bit of a random-choice bit like thing where the "combat window" that comes up comes in the form of the npc chatting when you're interacting with an npc. You could have the thing attacking you give you multiple choices out of several things per enemy, and, depending on what you say, you either get the answer or action correct out of the three, or the other two result in you losing and getting damaged and so forth. Just some suggestions in case you wanted any ideas ^^


So you'll allow user made writing in the game?


Not at this stage unfortunately. It might be something I add. But at the moment it just lets me work with a writer externally. They can then write dialogue trees. Rather than just chunks of text


Also would love some dialogue well you're being spanked/wedgied/diapered would also like a humiliation diaper path were you didn't really choose it (you actually choose it but the story acts like you didn't) like forced to wear diapers/pull ups


Actually I tested having dialogue popup with a diaper change. And it worked! I'll have to see how complex it could be, but certainly popups are working. And yeah my plan is to totally have that path. With the faction system (I'm planning). I'll have a group of characters whom will treat people like that. All you'll have to do is hang around.