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Firstly an apology I haven't had time to do a comic this week. I'll try and make it up to you with a bonus at some point in the next couple months.

But I have a great reason. I've been working on making sure I can get the next demo out. I've been polishing up and stamping down on a number of last second bugs. I didn't want to stop to do the comic post if I could fix or add a last second feature. I decided you were all probably more interested in the demo

I've made it about as stable as I can so I can release it for you all to play!

Like before there is no specific goal other than interact with the characters! Also there are two spots in the world that if you stand on you can customise your character. Look for the glowing tool symbol.

Use this link to get access

Some quick notes,

There is a few bugs I'm aware of and I haven't checked every corner. If you find that after a conversation with a character you can't move. I'm afraid your gonna have to re-start the demo. I tried to find them all but there are still a few breaks I didn't find. I'm going to swap out that system soon with something less likely to break.

On occasion you might start flying while doing an interaction with a character. I haven't found exactly what causes this to happen yet.

Finally I've let the "use" diaper function go crazy so you can use your diaper as many times as you want. Warning it will get pretty silly and glitchy as it keeps getting bigger but you can go silly if you want.

Hopefully you get a chance to play it soon!

Good luck all!




Is there a way to get wedgied in this demo? Also great work as always! Much love <3


So sorry, it had to be pulled out at the last second, I didn't quite have enough time to get it working properly. It's by no means out of the game. It will be in the final game and likely be back in the next demo!


I found a bug when talking to the girl with the paddle your character just starts running in circles around the chair i used the wet yourself button to stop it but the paddling ends short also when you'er getting changed i was almost never aligned with the table either partly off or sometimes not even on it. also good job love the game its coming along nicely.


Hey, good catch on those, The running in circles I've notice happen to a couple people. I don't have a catch if there is no valid path. I'll have to add one :P Strange with the alignment. It seems to have something to do with the camera for some bizarre reason. I'll have to keep investigating! Glad your enjoying it tho! Testing this stuff early helps me catch these bugs!


A great Demo with lots of features. I like the nursery to just crawl around and getting random diaper checks and changes when needed. Makes me feel really like a little baby that don't know when it used his diaper. Very Cute! xD What I would like is, you don't have to keep pushing the crawl (c) and slow walk (shift) button. I think it would be better if one push activates the crawling/slow walk and another deactivates it. Also, the crawling with a full diaper looks weird. As if the diaper is glued to the legs or something. Another bug I found, You can actually walk IN the changing tables as if they were not there. I also hope the toys in the nursery will be interactive in a later version. Well, that's what I got from my short visit.


Those sound pretty good. It makes sense that people would want to continue to crawl walk for longer. I must have forgot to make the tables collidable.