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Huge thank you to all my subscribers new and old.

A quick update.
So I refined the dialogue system a bit. I made it much simpler to add new dialogue choices. For the moment I think I'm going to stick to 3 choices. It just reduces the number of complex paths.

So I spent a little bit of time creating a secondary dialogue system. Something a little simpler because honestly I can't stand writing branching dialogue. It's so much more complex than just simple words. I wanted a simpler interface that used the same components as the main dialogue system.

This gave me the idea of creating a simplified package I could give to an external writer without having to give them the the full several gig project. I now have a chain dialogue component. This branches like the main dialogue but doesn't need the full graph interface. It also allows the writer to run through the tree without having to run the game, which is super useful. I now have a good framework to bring writers on board.

I tested activating the dialogue in game and it worked pretty well. This new graph system is probably going to become pretty core to the whole AI system so I need to re-write a few older systems to be compatible. But everything has been going pretty well so I'll probably start the demo work at the same time!

Devlog: Interiors

I have given allot of thought to interiors. It's a pretty important part of the game and pretty tricky. So in the customisation demo you can walk inside and outside without a transition. I didn't like how this looked and it's a pain to create because your "building" needs to fit the interiors.

After some experimentation I created a teleport and transition. You can see it working below.

So obviously this would be linked to the character using a door. The current plan is to hide the interiors away from the main map. You simply teleport "inside". This gives me a lot more flexibility.

I'm also planning on making the interiors structured so you can never go "behind" a wall. While working on the wedgie club I found it pretty tricky to handle the camera when you are in a thin hallway. I think it would probably look better if each interior is like a diorama, that way you can zoom in and see things more clearly.

I should still be able to create some reasonably sized interiors that way, but they won't be as complex as the wedgie demo interior. 

Any video game interiors that you liked I'd love to hear about.


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