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Hey everyone,

So the good  news  is I got the basic dialogue system off the ground this was then linked into the global text system. This week I worked on integrating a node flow system so I could write dialogue tree's. That's been pretty successful. As an added benefit because the node system is generic I should be able to drive multiple systems through the node graphs.

So my next step is to simplify adding text into the nodes. At the moment it's a little time consuming to use and ideally I'd want to add text pretty freely. The quicker I can add content the more content I can add.

Other features I'm planning on adding will be a system to tag dialogue responses as something  a character may "like" or "dislike". I also need to code it into the engine so you can activate dialogue from characters on the fly.

And after all of that I want to link dialogue into events and actions so I can string a set of events, actions and dialogue into a chain. These chains will then form the basis of your character interactions. This will involve re-writing the action system to be more generic.

If I can get that system working I'll put several character chains into a demo for you all to test. So that's the current plan. I'm not sure how long it will all take. I can probably give a better estimate next week when I know if the systems are working or not.

I hope I'll get a number of those elements working over the weekend so I'll give you an update early next week.



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