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Thanks for all my new subscibers! I hope you liked the new trailer content. I'm not sure of all the best places to post it :P given places that talk about ABDL games are so rare.

I'm hard at work on the new dialogue system. I've got the basic framework for a dialogue box with some re-sizeable dynamic text buttons that should allow for you to select from some different responses. I've done a graphics pass in photoshop and I'll bring that into the engine in a couple days.  

I started work on dialogue trees and that is already a nightmare. I hope I'll have some good news later this week.

Okay so this is going to be a bit of a unusual dev log because I had an idea last week, something I worked out while playing around with a few bits and pieces.

Some of my textures for certain assets in the game are reasonably human readable (Some are total nonsense). This isn't something I had initially considered but would people be interesting in designing their own diapers or potentially items of clothing.

That is, for instance, the texture map for a boring blue diaper. The strips at the top are the leg gatherers. The shape should be self explanatory and the little bit on the left is the tape.

I haven't had much time to work out exactly how I might accomplish this. But it could be an interesting add-on to do later in the project. But if its something I'm kinda-sorta thinking about it's useful to put the foundations in even if I can't make it work immediately. But in theory this could allow people to add a little bit of custom content into the game. Probably limited to textures for outfits tho.

But this dev-log is about floating interesting ideas and seeing how interested people are in them so this is something I want to gauge the communities opinion on.

What do people think?



Yeah, I would be interested in custom skins and maybe a diaper customizer would be cool :)


You can put your game info on foxtales forums. They have a game section of ABDL