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Hello everyone.

May's reward [Mona's part time job 1] will be bit delayed.
This episode contains more story, and it was planned to have full voice acting for the female character.
However, because we have much greater workload, it wasn't possible for us to meet the usual dead line.

It is only that the distribution will be delayed, for those who chose to subscribe to tier 2 before the 2021 May 31st, you'll still receive the full versions of the work.
(It will also be sold through Gumroad later on.)

I'm so sorry for those who have waited for so long.
Thank you.

▶Added 2021/06/13

Dear patrons.

This is a notice for 'Mona's part time job 1'.

Due to problem with the female character voice, it'll be difficult to finish it in time.

Because I can't justify any more delays, I'll be converting the project into the style that was previously done before for the full version and then later on July, we will finish up the fully voiced footage that was originally done.

I am so sorry for such problems with the rewards.



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