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Reward packages have been sent to those who completed their transaction! Please check your patreon message for the reward.

Patrons who weren't able to get their messages, please send me a message to notify me. I'll send the reward again after confirmation

Thank you for your support!



이번달은 작업에 투입할 시간이 적으셨던 모양이군요. 그리고 특정 기간대의 영상들은 60프레임으로 랜더링 되있던데 다시 30프레임으로 돌아왔네요. 이 역시 시간 부족이 원인인지요?


Due to something wrong with my card, the sponsorship amount is a few days late. Can you send me a reward?


I don't need to describe all that the Okita Alter animation does to me. This shit is SO deadly, to put it lightly. Good work.


Thank you so much! I'll try to continue to produce better animation in the future!