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Thank you, everyone, for your generous support.
I hope everyone will have a great 2021!

Starting from this year, there will be changes to reward distribution.

Normally it was done so via MEGA link distribution, now we'll be providing the rewards through Gumroad directly.
This allows for users to keep their products in Gumroad library in organized fashion, you'll be able to access them anytime.

1. From 2021 Feburary, we'll be pausing our campaign.
2021 Feburary will not have any rewards made or distributed nor will it be charged.
The following is the schedule for the pause.

Early Feburary, payment transactions.
Feburary 5th, rewards distributed.
Feburary 10th, campaign paused.
March 10th, campaign opens.

From 2021 March 10th, we'll be starting our campaign
and we'll start producing and distributing our work again.

2. From now on, the title of the videos for rewards will be changed.
There will be changes to the titles only and are no different from previously given rewards.
Low-resolution animation -> Loop animation
High-resolution full animation -> Full animation

If you guys have any questions, please comment below to let us know.
As always, thank you, everyone.



So, basically one month skipping and just different website to download? I already receive rewards from another artist on gumroad. While site have confusing interface, it is still possible to use and it have some advantages.


Yes, as you've said. We've been using MEGA for distribution, but because of inconveniences involved in it. We'll be changing over to other method. Please do understand.


So is this patreon closing and we have to buy from gumroad or am I reading that incorrectly?


So from the 10th of March onwards we will be downloading the rewards on Gumroad. This means we will be getting discount codes so we (supporters on Patreon) could download them for free. A lot of creators have been using this method of distribution because it allows all regular patrons and one-time buyers to easily download the content they want on one website.


No, Patrons will receive coupon code that will let you acquire the product with no additional cost beyond patreon subscription(Gumroad code will make the product cost 0) By using the code, you'll be able to receive the product as it is now.


When you saying you pausing distribution does it mean that patreon will not charge for that month or it will still charge and we need to cancel subscription before start of next month?


The Patreon page it self will be paused for the noted period. There will be no reward for the month and there will be no charges. There is no need for patrons to do anything during the pause.