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Heya Patrons, we're looking into translation options and would like to know the language you are most comfortable speaking. Thanks for your time!



I only speak English, but isn’t Spanish spoken by a lot of people? Is leaving it out an accident?


I drew from a list of the most widely translated languages for video games and the VR market as a whole; we'll get to every language eventually, but for now, we're trying to figure out some original translations to feature.


While my primary language is in the Other category I always prefer English in games and movies :)


I didn't understand the question very well, what language we talked about? Language of the menu, setting, program ecc...or language we speak? The avatar can understand and talk any language? For example If I talk in my language the avatar understand me and reply to me in my language? So there can be jynx maze talk japanese? LOL (i'm not japanese, only example)..by the way, if I'm not mistaken jynx maze talk english and also spanish...


Sorry if the question was worded poorly. We are looking to see which languages our Players would like to see in Holodexxx. We know that not everyone is comfortable with English, and would like to find out which languages our Players would prefer.


I come from China🇨🇳, although there is Mandarin Chinese this option, but it does not matter, I still like English