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Back in the dance floor, Jasmine didn't find it amusing that her strong-handed partner was completely drunk. He smelled of alcohol. "Why don't you go over there and sit down?" Jasmine yelled in his ear. The bloke nodded, but he didn't move an inch. Moreover, he grabbed Jasmine's rear end again when she gave him her back. "Oh, let go! Can't you take a simple hint?"

Jasmine was about to lose her patience when, suddenly the strong hands over her lower cheeks disappeared. Another pair of hands took its place, softer than the previous, but equally determined, now encircling up and down her lateral love handles, her massive rolls of fat.

Jasmine felt this change in command, then turned around to see her new Romeo, carefully wondering what should be the proper reaction. The first thing she saw was a mountain of flesh, dressed in a dazzling way with a pair of blue jeans and a Radiohead black T-Shirt. But the second thing she saw left her open-mouthed. Topping this gorgeous frame was the face of Charlie, her neighbor, unrecognizable in his extra large embodiment. And the funny thing was that he was as shocked as she was.

"Charlie?" Jasmine asked, incredulous at this astonishing vision. She abruptly repaired in the familiar short name she has just used. The guy froze for a second, but then he replied.

"Th- That's the way Jasmi-..." He interrupted himself, a gross error for the both sides. "Sorry..." he proceeded. "Charlie? You... You're confusing me with my brother Charlie!" He was totally embroiled though it was obvious that Jasmine's fat twin, Penny, - as he thought - would realize he was the same thin Charles that she'd met earlier.

(Chapter SIX will END next Monday ...)

By Jay Tee (and the little big help from Wilson Barbers, style corrector of the piece)

Status: ONGOING.
Pages: (?)
Year: 2004/2021
Artist Age: 31/48




Her waist looks so big and soft anyway... Delicious