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She had always felt lesser due to her petite size and 5'3" (1.6m, 160cm) height. Going to college, she thought she had a chance at a new start, particularly with having managed to get a sea-side apartment to herself as a freshman. Alas, college was still much the same as high school. Boys ignored her, and the girls picked on her, or worse yet, befriended her only so they could get access to her awesome apartment for hosting parties.

Eventually she had enough and decided to take matters into her own hands. Using her genius level of knowledge, she managed to get her hands on an exotic plant from the school's biology lab, and desperation had led her to research into topics that science had entirely dismissed as olden fantasy. Finding a journal from a couple centuries old explorer, she was able to determine that the plant originated from some of the deepest parts of the rainforests in Central America, and that this explorer claimed he had encountered the plant along with an indigenous tribe.

In his journal, the explorer described how the women of this village were all taller than average, gorgeous, well endowed, and "quite robust." He went on to tell how they would all drink an elixir containing primarily this plant, and their positive traits would improve each time, though they would also become more "robust." Realizing that she could create her own elixir based on his descriptions and sketches of what went into the original elixir, she created her own with a few slight alterations.

She desired to be taller, more beautiful, and bustier, and if that came at the price of being a bit stronger and tougher, well, who was she to complain. In fact, her alterations were in adding a significant amount of various nutrients to the elixir, chief of which was protein. Having, in her eyes, nothing to lose, she'd either become somebody, or she might just be poisoned to death. Taking the entire elixir in two gulps, separated only by a couple seconds to recoil at the bitterness of the drink, she decided she would stand outside on her balcony to watch the ocean at sunset while she waited for the changes, or her demise.

After a few minutes she started to feel her body start to warm up, but looking down she didn't notice any changes. Looking back to the ocean, it was several more minutes before she thought to look down again. In that time, her body had grown greatly. She now stood at 5'9" (1.75m, 175cm) tall and had the body of a very "robust" and incredibly well endowed Amazon. What she couldn't have known was that the long dead explorer had underplayed just how muscular these women were, and more than that, just how much of the elixir each woman would drink. As it happened, each woman would only have a sip of the elixir every few years to remain among the strongest of people on the planet at that time.

An added boon, it seemed, was an increase in intelligence that our girl came to realize as she noticed her significant growth. This revelation came in the form of realization that she now fully understood how the chemical makeup of the elixir worked to improve her body. She also realized that the more elixir one drank in a short timeframe, the more the effects would be amplified, and her alterations had made the amplification even more potent. And finally, most shockingly to her, she realized that it was only half over, and that the second part would be even more extreme than the first.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I had hoped to get another piece out before Christmas, as I was feeling pretty inspired at the end of last year, but alas time with family is more important. This piece features at least one new change that comes from that inspiration at the end of last year, though, in the form of an updated normal map to add more definition to the muscles.




Wow was just checking if there was anything new here. She looks awesome! I guess you're hinting at a potential growth sequence there at the end of the story? 😋