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When you're Night City's greatest netrunner, no corp's secrets are hidden from you. Alt happened to find some files of a failed experiment when running through Biotechnica's server just to see what she might find. Though, this failed experiment caught her attention, as it was a new hormone implant that aimed to increase muscle mass and optimize the body. The failure, in Biotechnica's eyes, was in that it only worked on women, and they deemed the market for women that would be interested in such an implant to be too small to bother pursuing. A bit more snooping revealed a cache of these implants mothballed in a Biotechnica warehouse , and just a little more effort and one of these implants was soon on its way to Alt's preferred ripperdoc. Now, Alt isn't just the greatest netrunner in the city, she's also the strongest person in the city.

The attachment is the final frame in a convenient to download format. The final frame is 16:9 4k, perfect for any 16:9 screen's background.

I put some more effort into the lighting on this one than I usually do. I actually flexed some of those old art school muscles about lighting, so hopefully I didn't forget it all and the effect is actually better than my usual pieces.



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