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Every day for the week that you were away on business, your girlfriend kept telling you about all the amazing gains she was getting in the gym. You thought she was joking, but you played along since she was so enthusiastic about it, and, come to think of it, all your conversations were on the phone, since you never had a good enough signal for a video chat. Finishing your business early, you decided to surprise your girlfriend by returning a day early. Of course, while she was surprised, it was actually you that was the most surprised. Walking into the kitchen to find her, you couldn't believe your eyes. As she turned, wondering why you were home a day early, you finally realized that this massive ball of muscle in front of you was, indeed, your girlfriend. After assuring her that you were not, in fact, fired, it didn't take a whole lot more time before you both went to the bedroom to celebrate your return and to explore her new body.

Seems like a happy bunny.



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