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After you told her how you really like girls with muscles, she seemed to get very excited. You thought it was because she was already huge, but as you walked in on her workout you realized that you were mistaken. You see her standing amongst a pile of her shredded workout clothes, posing in a mirror. And she is bigger. And she looks like she's pulsing bigger by the second.

So, this nerd came up in the rotation sooner than I was planning. The reason for that is that I'm tinkering with some new custom morphs, two of which are on this gal here. Creating new morphs can be a time consuming process, so I typically don't have enough time to make a new character, pose, and morph all at once. Thus, this character's back sooner rather than later.

I'm looking for critiques of the boobs on this piece. Despite her pose, she is not flexing her pecs, so assume her breasts are at a normal resting position. Do they seem correct based on this assumption? If not, how should they move, or their shape change, to look correct?




I think it's a huge improvement. It finally looks more like the boobs are actually on top of the pecs now, instead of the two morphing indistinguishably into each other. I already noticed some of these improvements on the Giant Muscle Artwork, so good job. Of course the real challenge will be to see what happens when a character actually does flex her pecs. Is it possible to put limits on certain vertices to control how much they can be affected by adjacent morphs? If not, it might get complicated to prevent the boobs from changing shape too much. While flexing would realistically of course tighten them a bit, it would also make the transitional area, where the chest stops and the breast tissue starts, even more prominent. Not sure if that can be achieved with morph algorithms that uniformly affect everything in relation to everything else. But please continue on improving your morph manipulation skills nonetheless. The best part of following artists over a period of time is to see them improve a little bit with each subsequent artwork, after all. So please keep up the good work, it's definitely heading in the right direction.