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When that fortune teller at the fair told her "Your wildest dream will come true when next you sleep," she didn't think much of it. Now, standing with a bit of confusion, a bit of worry, and a steadily increasing amount of excitement, she can't help but flex and start to enjoy her new body. She hadn't even realized her wildest dream was to have huge boobs and muscles, but she would eventually find out that her body had more than that in store for her.

Trying out a new Daz character with this one. Mostly that comes down to the skin when I've altered the face pretty dramatically from the base and pumped up the body so massively. And this one's skin is passable. It's nice and quick to render, but the color of it is a bit off. And that's after I did a bit of tweaking. It started as a very sickly pale yellow/green.



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