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Not every transformation is easy and goes as expected. Our girl here thought she was taking a fast-acting muscle relaxer after an intense workout the day before. Turns out it was an accidentally swapped muscle growth drug that the company was developing for the military. Being experimental, the effects were rather more than intended, much faster than intended, and far more painful than intended.

So, it looks like I screwed up yesterday. Sorry about that everybody. What I shared yesterday was (obviously) the work-in-progress post that should have only gone out to $5+ Patrons, but ended up going out to everybody. As well it was named incorrectly. These issues are now fixed, though I have a feeling it hardly matters now.

In this piece I wanted to see how far I could push my morphs without just scaling the whole character larger. Basically, how much mass could I pack on her without stretching her out. I think this is one of the only characters, if not the only character, that I have made with traps that are as tall, or taller, than the character's head.



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