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Hi all, an update to our previous message about art thefts. We see that the thief is in the category of sponsors who see extra page.

This seriously makes our task more difficult as security measures could

upset our generous sponsors from the higher reward tiers.

However, I do remind you all that the "quarantine" is a temporary solution and all pages you receive with a watermark will be replaced with unmarked versions when the quarantine is lifted.

Discussing from our discussion of the security strategies (the three types of models) we will be making the following changes.

1. Since we know that the art thief is in the $ 15 + category we will only be quarantining users who have been in this group during the time of the leaks - not the whole list of supporters.

We have had a few members of this tier suspend their support and, in checking, if we find that their absences line up to a gap in pages leaked then this quarantine will be very short.

2. As a reminder, the security processes we are talking about for the "B-club" quarantine zone are coded watermarked that will be quite obvious and difficult to remove due to their overlay nature - as a means of being difficult to edit out.

We really do not want to take such steps, but this is the best way of protection, which will cause the least amount of inconvenience to the entire Club.

I hope you are considerate that this is a temporary measure and that all content will be replaced free of charge when the quarantine is lifted.

We understand how this decision is unfair to our generous sponsors, who are the only ones affected by this currently. But we have decided to make public this smaller net and not inconvenience 400+ users when we have a much smaller area to search.

We are ashamed that we have to resort to such measures.

P.S. in the coming days, I will show the sample images with these signs. And if it seems to someone unworthy of payment, we will of course refund your donations made for the April subscription.


As we implement these changes, we will also be opening up C-Club, the Pay What You Want option, which will be open to all. Each $100 raised in this communal pool will unlock one previously unpublished page to public access - starting at Part 4 of the story onwards.



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