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1. The first sketch of extra pages in October upload to sponsors. He can see everyone who made a donation in October 15 or more dollars. In addition to the animated scenes, which I posted a little earlier - we plan to make the micro-comics of 4 pages and sketch the first page of the sponsors of this category already see now. Just a few days we will complete these pages thoroughly and publish a new series of sketches extra pages and pages of simple basic comics. Due to unforeseen delays and a desire to do everything as well as possible, we have altered a few shots and run the risk not to have time to release all detained extra pages this month. But we have been steadily reducing the backlog.

2. to release a bit of time and have time to do more, we have also decided to remove the lower category of raffles. We will hold the distribution of prizes for November, December and January on the same terms, but since February of this type will only receiveprize sponsors, whose donation of more than $ 25. Maybe later, when our conveyor will run more stable, we again extend the categories of prizes at several levels down.

3. I spent a full scan of all subscriptions and found two sponsors, whose subscription due to some bugs was not renewed. These sponsors are not informed about it and we found it just now. Subscribe corrected. If suddenly there is someone whose donation has been processed successfully, but the subscription is not renewed - let us know and we will fix it.

4. And a little bonus. A huge, just huge number of categories of sponsors 1.5 received in the New Year's improving. It's happened to all whose donation amount exceeded $ 50 and whose donation for the month of January were more than 3 dollars. I still have not finished sending all of the pages for them. I apologize for the delay, we are working on it. Along the way, I remind that all sponsors Lo-res category who have been with us for over a year, and has amassed a total of more than $ 50 donation can send me a request for upgrading, if it has not happened yet. Upgrading would mean getting the hi-res versions of all comics, but - the cost of

upgrades to increase from 1.5 to 3 dollars a month minimum. Now we raise the level of only those who decided on their own to pay more, but whose entry fee was only for low-res level. And all who more than a few months, has donated more than $ 15 got an extra month subscription. Now you will not see a pause from the suspended account in the calculation of the month;)

5. In the next chapter, the comic will be much more beautiful background (look attachments). We have almost completed all the preparatory work. And - this will not lead to a slowdown of comics, on the contrary - it will speed up approximately 5-10%. Technology has become faster. But we can not so much to change the style within this chapter. For now.

6. We found that many users still do not know about the bug Patreon, which resulted in the change of email or bank details of your donation is no longer processed and you will disappear from the list of sponsors. As a result, we do not get a notice that payment was not processed, the account will not be extended and we are not even aware of this fact until you examine all the accounts that have not been updated in months.

We ask all those who have not received the update - write to us. Due to new changes in the odd Patreon Now the content creator can write to the user only if the user is in the list of sponsors. Those who have encountered this bug - vanish from the list completely. Someone we found "indirectly" and sent an email with a description of the situation. But it may well be some we have not yet found;)

7. If I do not have time this month to fulfill prizes for our sponsors, who won the last lottery - I increase the value of these prizes to painting a more complex than anticipated. We reduced the gap, but as a result of the Christmas bustle and confusion, many changes in different accounts and prolonged trouble with

accounting, we lost too many days and risk not to have time to close any gaps. But there are very few, we are almost back to the schedule. Thank you all for your patience and your support of the project;)

p.s. If someone were any technical questions - write to me in a private message and we will solve all these problems for 15 hours.



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