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Our patrons have already noticed - this month is almost no streams. I apologize for that set of circumstances - first I had problems with the internet, then planned relocation, which had to be postponed for a week ... I do not renew your subscription to the service furstream as they are 4 months have not deigned to correct the error with a banner displaying the online-status stream. I found another service in which that button works. I pay for it in the coming days and will post sponsors 10+ category and above a new link and password.

pssst! now a few new pages on server + will soon be a lot of sketches the following pages =)))

2. our server upgrades today was 2.0 alpha test. We found a few mistakes and come up with a lot of improvement. Very soon we will introduce you to the new features. Comments, a new voting system and a few new surprises. In addition, we are working to show the stream directly on the pages of the update server!

3. I remind you that if someone still does not see the updates and does not

know how to get them - you can write me a private message (PM) and we

will solve this problem.


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