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Wanted to do something for voreday but my body is keeping getting worse so I will not be able finish the idea today at this point. Still might be able to finish the image and call it something else some other day.

oh yeah and also sharing the sketch idea I started this with. originally planned to have snakes and more too but yeah I realized it would become too much for me.

I will continue with terrenbrook outlines tomorrow, but yeah if I forget to finish this one feel free to poke me about it. ^^




I hope you get to feeling better.


Thank you. Yeah this kind of thing comes and goes and is hard to plan around, which is why I gave this vore day image a try. Even if it didn't end up how I wanted, atleast I managed to get something to show for today. ^^

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-08 23:33:11 You do NOT have to stress yourself into making a special image for vore day, Armorine. I like you and your beautiful art either way! I will continue to support you on Patreon, as long as I see one art piece progress per three months. <3 Heck, I supported other creators even longer without them posting anything for a year. You and your art are precious, Armorine! Take care of you and your body, it's more important than pleasing your fans regularly. <3
2023-08-08 18:05:35 You do NOT have to stress yourself into making a special image for vore day, Armorine. I like you and your beautiful art either way! I will continue to support you on Patreon, as long as I see one art piece progress per three months. <3 Heck, I supported other creators even longer without them posting anything for a year. You and your art are precious, Armorine! Take care of you and your body, it's more important than pleasing your fans regularly. <3

You do NOT have to stress yourself into making a special image for vore day, Armorine. I like you and your beautiful art either way! I will continue to support you on Patreon, as long as I see one art piece progress per three months. <3 Heck, I supported other creators even longer without them posting anything for a year. You and your art are precious, Armorine! Take care of you and your body, it's more important than pleasing your fans regularly. <3


Aww thank you. I just was in the mood to make something for today and it started out good but then body being random as usual. So may not turned out how I thought but atleast i got to share something made for this day. ^^


Stay strong my friend and this is a great image


Thanks, body is pretty rough day after this one, but I got some progress of lines for terrenbrook comic page. Hope your day is well.