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More naga in cabin, but different kind!

Body of mine has been kinda rough this week so took a while to get this going.

but yeah some more Naga vore but this time in a fantasy setting so it's not connected to terrenbrook, just funny timing. ^^



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-11 23:54:44 I am looking forward to the progress and finished pieces of it. <3
2023-06-11 18:17:31 I am looking forward to the progress and finished pieces of it. <3

I am looking forward to the progress and finished pieces of it. <3


Thank you, looking forward to make clean lines for it, and then when it comes to add wet effects. ^^


I have to say, every variant has its pros. I also like the first versions with the ruff lines and sometimes sketched seen-through bodies.


It's true, when i do lines it doesnt look exactly the same and change things up even. X3


That's no problem. I am happy, that you post the in-progress versions, too, because I like them also. ^-^


Will there be an x-ray version of the picture at the end?


Yes i will make version with internal views for final panel and gulp panel. ^^