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Another one missing in the forest of Terrenbrook. A new poster is up and is placed over fading older ones..




Great comic as always! The older wanted posters were a nice touch! And the shading for the light of the forest! ^^


I maintain to say that the next drawing which takes on the theme of Terrenbrook will have to be a little more defensive. I love this dragon, it is great and it makes me laugh too. ^^ but with everything he does there must be a consequence commensurate with these crimes. I don't know ... losing a horn or a claw in a fight with a dragon hunter or a federal fighter to resolve the disappearances. frankly if you do something like that or others it would be great. a suite with solid and consistent content. I follow all of your drawings with great interest. i love everything you do.continue. =)


I know what you mean but as a wild animal I don't think it counts as crimes, but yeah sooner or later people will find out about him. So far other people decide what happens with terrenbrook and not me so not sure how future terrenbrook stuff will be either.


yes, do something or open a dragon restaurant in the forest.