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As usual when i'm doing the deciding, it took a while to get the final atmoshpere the way I was okay with. Still not sure if it came out the best it could, but at some point you just decide to finish it and move on. X3

Oh and for those that prefer straight only, there is a version with the guys in front removed, and also a version with just them, because I can I guess? hehe

I did also do a few changes since last update.

The shampoo says "Make your coat shiny clean" and the sign above door says "Watch your head!"

The door is supposed to be small, as the ship is is designed to make som hallways not used for work smaller and to save cost on building it. I'm imaginening this to be a crew of space wolves collecting space junk for selling, and so they dont have the most expensive ship.

Also the beds are pulled out from under the counter, so in order to fully lay down on them you drag them out the wall almost, so the one they are sitting on is not fully drawn out basically.




Which ones the leader of the pack?