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Oh yeah started on this today too. Someone messaged me on playstation a week ago maybe? and mention mawshots, so I think I could give it a shot. Was so many years ago since I last did one like this. Just went with random thoughts and made dragon mixed with snake I think?

So yeah not sure what to call this yet as it is fresh from the oven like two hours ago. If anyone has any ideas feel free to share, I also have no idea yet what colors to go with but if nothing else i'll figure something out.

Also it's way to smooth at the moment, i want to make it a little more rough later. hmm oh well thats it for now.



Pirk Coyote

If you want my opinion I think you should give him gator-like colors. Something maybe olive drab to greenish-gray on the back, and a more yellowish color for the underside.


Good idea. Might could have markings with different colors too, or maybe I should keep it simple.


Perhaps he was also hiding under somones bed, Just a thought is all.