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Alright so i'm not finished with the sketch but I haven't updated anything here for some time and wanted to share something. This page is like two pages so might take more work, also i'm gonna try and do some angles I haven't done before. I haven't felt great that much the past days either so that's also a reason it's taking time.

Here's like half of the sketch atleast. I wasn't sure how to do the horse, I tried between the more common look of a more normal horse head I see others do, but I also wanted to keep it kinda the style as others to have that anthro mix. I dunno, tell me what if i'm going about this all wrong. 



Nico Wolf

Wow! I love the way the horse is turning out! Can't wait to see where this story goes!

Drages Animations

Horse is very good looking, i dont see any slightest problem. I will wait to see his face when horsy pushed the ring inside! Great work again!


The characters look great, I don't see any problem here. The horse is perfect. Great job !