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Even though I added the word 'minor' in the title, it still sounds worse than it actually is.

Basically, originally I mentioned January being business as usual after the December downtime, but there's going to be a bit of downtime this month as well, though hopefully only a few days' worth. The pipes in the building are getting renewed, along with sinks and taps in the bathrooms, and I believe a new bathroom ceiling as well, all of which I thought was supposed to happen around February/March, but apparently the work is being done in a different order, and my apartment is currently under work. 

I have no idea how long the work will take, but I'm guessing maybe 4-5 days total, and they likely won't be doing everything in one go. Probably setting up the pipes first in each apartment, taking couple of days, then once everything is ready to be connected, they'll do the rest of the work. So maybe couple days now and another 2-3 days at a later time. 

Either way, my sleep cycle is once again a mess because of this, so I doubt I'll get much done for a few days. Still pretty darn confident about getting two more artworks done this month though, just not until later this week at earliest.

So... hang in there!

Below this point is more news on personal/health stuff. Read only if interested. :p

In personal health news, had a gastroscopy done recently. Also known as Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (get a load of that word, eh!). Basically had to swallow a tube through which doctors checked what my stomach looks like. Horrible but relatively quick procedure, and I actually kind of requested it, because I wanted to rule out the possibility of my occasional heartburn-like chest pains from the past couple years being anything stomach related. Nothing special was found, all looked good.

So, slightly relieved, but also bummed that there's still no conclusive diagnosis on what is the main cause of my symptoms. But knowing that I have cardiomyopathy in my heart, and have had sarcoidosis in the lungs, it's probably something related to one of those two. At the very least, if the doctors thought I needed immediate attention or care, they wouldn't schedule MRI's months away and check-ups by phone every month or two. So there's that. Gotta take things a day at a time, I guess. 



So both news are about tubes ;-) Bad joke done, it's irritating to have a problem but no diagnosis. I hope you get one in the not too far future.


> also bummed that there's still no conclusive diagnosis on what is the main cause of my symptoms. Fuckin' hell, don't I know it? I have something that sounds vaguely similar to your issue, where seemingly at random, though largely associated with vigorous exercise, I'll get this mysterious pain in the middle of my chest. It's been happening off and on since 2017, and the doctors are baffled. They did finally send me home with a heart monitor which I had to wear 24/7 for two weeks, in order for them to record what was happening to me when the pain triggered. It only happened once for the entire two weeks, but hopefully that was enough for them to finally diagnose whatever the hell this is. I haven't gotten the results back from them yet, though.