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Hi all!

The more active ones of you may have noticed the lack of new stuff for the past couple of weeks. Figured I'd make a quick update, especially since there have been a lot of new patrons joining this month. Usually I try to get new stuff out weekly (some is exclusive for higher tiers, like $3+ or $5+ though), but a lot of unfortunate stuff piled up on this month.

Let me try and summarize; my pet gerbil got sick, I took her to a vet but she didn't make it. The whole thing distracted me for a few days and was obviously a bit of a downer. I've been juggling with art requests from the higher tier patrons, some of which I'm late on to begin with, so basically I've been working, but a little bit on multiple things, instead of one at a time. Lastly, my sleep schedule's going to be a bit of a mess for the rest of the month, as I have appointments with doctors (regular check-ups, nothing serious) and there's pipe maintenance next to the building, all happening at times when I normally sleep. Running on four hours of sleep and a Red Bull as I'm typing this. At least the next two days should be normal.

tl:dr; lost a pet, feeling bummed, mismanaged art projects, tired because of trouble sleeping at usual hours.

So, one of those months. Here's hoping November will be a bit better.

Good news for now is that I should still be able to complete all the art requests this month and meet the monthly minimum art quota. Posted a smaller one on Discord last night for the $3+ patrons (it'll be in the end-of-month archive for those of you not using Discord). Two more full-color works are about halfway done each as well, so they should be out soon too. And if all goes well, I might still be able to tap into some older uncolored stuff and get something extra colored before the month ends. I'm actually pretty optimistic about that, but we'll see.

Last, but not least, I'm super happy that so many new patrons have joined this month, and Gumroad sales have been great as well. Your support is super important because next year is definitely going to test my finances and whether I can rely on art alone for my income. Thank you!



I'm so glad to hear that you got a bunch of new patrons and that Gumroad sales are good! Wishing you the best in not having any more major distractions like last month. :)


Sorry to hear about your gerbil Harmonist! -hug-


Thanks. ^^ Still have another gerb to keep me company... until she gets a new friend or two in near future. Always sad to lose one, but I've had many gerbils before, so it's gotten a little easier to handle their short life spans.