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(This post includes a poll, but you don't need to vote if none of the poll options apply to you.)

I've been thinking about new pledge tiers I could establish down the line, and one idea that came into mind is a sort of monthly mini art request. Basically, small enough picture that it'd work as an avatar, icon or emoji. Colored, but simple enough that I can do at least two in one day. For example, a head or bust shot of an anime character or OC, chibi, emoji, close-up of a butt or boobs, etc. Anything that fits a small square image (full-size would probably be about 500-800px each dimension) and is distinguishable if downsized to like 100x100px. The person pledging would get the full-size version, public (or patrons) get a smaller version. Emojis may be put in use in my Discord server. Although this would be a monthly reward, you could obviously pledge once to get a custom avatar, then switch back to your regular tier for next month. Availability would be limited though.

Price is undecided, but I'm thinking $35-40. Includes everything up to $10 tier, so basically $25-30 for a small art request on top of regular rewards. Slots would be limited. Probably 2-4 per month at first, then more later if schedule permits.

If such a tier would become available, would you be interested in pledging at it? 

If not interested, you don't need to vote. I'm looking for the number of potential customers to see if adding such a tier would be worth it. Thanks for your attention, regardless! ^_^


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