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First, happy new year everyone! Here's hoping 2020 will be awesome!

Now, some news.

Imgur replacement update

I'm probably going to start using imgbox as a secondary content delivery system alongside Imgur. Imgbox isn't ideal, but it's the best I've come across so far. No login is required to view images, but there are quite a few ads on the pages. The images also don't have descriptions or titles, but I can add those as comments. Imgur will still remain the primary content delivery system as organizing stuff on imgbox sucks, but I'll upload most exclusives on imgbox as well from now on, and provide links to both sites when sharing them. End-of-month compilation zip archives will still be shared on Mega. I'll be on the lookout for better options in the future. Hopefully this arrangement works for the foreseeable future.

Survey update

The survey I mentioned I was working on earlier is still in the works and I might even just simplify the whole thing into couple of polls. I just need to decide on what data exactly I need to collect and how to go about it efficiently. Anyways, nothing probably happening for a few days at least.

December report

I like transparency when it comes to my Patreon campaign, so here's how December went. Pledge total increased by $14, but total number of patrons dropped by 2. Out of those who unsubscribed and did an exit survey, most gave financial situation as reason for dropping their pledge, with one saying my Patreon is boring. Admittedly I haven't been very active on Patreon, and am going to try and improve that a little bit in the coming year. As for art accomplishments this month, I did all the promised art plus a little bit of extra. Didn't have time for commissions though, what with the holiday activities and R&R. Gumroad sales were pretty good too. Probably made about $100 extra from the discount codes and bundles. All in all, could be worse. I'm still optimistic I can make this work.

As usual, thanks for your support!


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