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Hey guys 'n gals.

Discord bot offline, I guess

For people that hang out at my Discord server, it seems like the Patreon bot is offline. The bot is the process that normally handles giving you roles (basically permissions) based on your pledge tier, so now that it's offline, any role changes, like switching pledge tier or new patrons joining, aren't happening automatically. I dunno how long the bot has been offline, and obviously no idea when it'll be online again. For now, you may have problem with accessing content on my Discord server if you switch pledge or have just joined. If the bot is gone for a longer period, then I'll poke the helpdesk about it.

Art News

Just some quick art news. I'm posting a new colored pic tonight. Within the next 6 hours or so. It's not the next pic in the ongoing series, but I also have done some work on that, and if all goes super well, that'll also be out in about 3 days.

Overall, this month I'd like to focus more on colored works, so the quantity may be lower, but quality should be higher!

I haven't decided on a theme for this month, but the original plan was to focus on a comic. It may not fit my schedule this month either, so I may pick something else. We'll see. ^_^


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