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Hey everyone!

Couple days back (or yesterday, depending on your time zone) I posted a quick message on my Discord channel that I was at a hospital ward. I decided not to post an update on Patreon about it, unless it turned into something more serious or once it was over, but for now I'm back home, so let me do a quick update on what happened.

Basically, over the past few weeks I've had random chest pains. Sometimes a mild pressure at any time, and a burning feeling whenever exercising or doing heavy lifing etc. Although it wasn't a huge problem, I decided to go see a doctor, just in case. The doctor suggested a quick ECG scan to see if it could be a heart issue. And the results were just slightly abnormal, enough to make the doctor send me to local ER, where they ran some more tests on me. Again, some result in the blood tests was pointing to a heart deficiency issue, so they admitted me to the regional hospital, where I was for the past two and half days. Lots of tests later, they found no serious problems, but (sorry, but I don't know the diagnosis in English) my heart has something of a slight expansion in one area, which is likely the cause for the blood test results. A very common abnormality, I hear. Even my dad probably has the same issue, so could be in my genes. For the time being, since I'm doing otherwise ok, I got a prescription for some heart meds and chest pain relievers and they sent me home. There will still be more tests later, MRI, 'stress test' and a 'gene test'... I think.

Anyways, sitting at home drawing butts is not an issue, so I should be able to work normally. But trying to exercise in-between to keep myself in shape is a problem, since I get the chest pains fairly easily. Hopefully the meds help a bit until they figure out more exactly what might be the cause. 

Obviously, I haven't been able to do any work on any art, or manage my Patreon page beyond couple of quick Discord messages for the past three days, but I'm hoping to get back on track on Monday. I was originally hoping to still do at least one request work, and one hi-res colored work for the month, and possibly even a quick colored work too, but I doubt I can do all three now. Definitely the hi-res work though, so that I meet the intended monthly quota.

So in short, art resumes by next week, but I might still need more days off for doctor/hospital visits in near future. Fingers crossed with both!



Good luck! I had the same thing and still have it. They found out in hospital that I got a slight gastritis and hatial hernia. I did the same tests, also the stress test. Only gastroscopy found it


At first I was really worried while reading this, because I was thinking "Holy crap, how is Harm going to afford all of this?? 2+ days in the hospital is thousands of dollars, minimum!" Then I remembered that you don't live in the US, so you're probably *not* going to be totally fucked by hospital bills, like just about any American artist would be.


I'm sorry to here your not well, take it easy and rest up. You health is most important and I can wait for pictures of butts.


Still expensive for my budget, but not in the thousands. The equivalent cost in USD I'm expecting from all the stuff so far is maybe $500. Could be a bit more, but definitely well below $1000.


Yeah, I personally wouldn't rule those out. The stuff with my heart was confirmed, but the pains could still be caused by something else, which would likely lead to gastroscopy at some point.


Sorry to hear that harmonist. Rest up and I hope all gets better soon.


I had a similar sounding experience once, doc said everything seemed normal though and it went away within a month. The anxiety alone of having chest pains is on another level though, and it can worsen the chest pains, so I hope you are staying calm and resting. Hopefully it's only something trivial, like it turned out to be in my case. Good luck!


Sorry to hear that, A thing I do to help with my health is put some veggies in a fruit smoothie.