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Cheeks and sadness



I mean....eris is 15, that's a proper adult in this world.....same way different countries have different ages of consent, she's perfectly legal by that metric in this universe rudeus is still trash though but for a lot more reasons lol


@William Its still fucked regardless tho by whatever means even if she is legal. Also just because something is technically the law or legal doesn't disqualify it from being amoral. At least you have the sense to agree that Rudeus is still trash tho. Far to many Rudeus fanboys cant even admit that.


@Drippy Yeah, even tho I don't like the show. Roxy is better then eris


@Archduke Earl Von Margrave naw it still works its just you mushoku tensei fans are degenerates like jj and ezio from the discord


Thank you for just appreciating the scene and not getting wrapped up in the details. People are so hung up on the mental age stuff, which I can understand but I felt how you did. Just appreciating it all and not agreeing with how Eris went about her decision.


lol I mean a grown ass man in a kids body is just weird as fuck no matter how you slice it. But degenerate weebs want to act like a pedo and a child having sex is so amazing or something...


@Mozart Waddell there definitely above you dickriders that like this trash and act like its all that. its legit a pedo insert show for you incels


@jj if this is you from the discord then legit throw yourself off the nearest bulding you coward. Of course it would be some mushoku dickriding bitch that wants the smoke with me. Your parents made a serious mistake in not having an abortion

Camari Selvy

this man ddg weird


lil bro this is an anime, at this point weird shit like this is something we're used to. Best we can do is either ignore it or stop watching, I'm enjoying the "normal" aspects of this show and try to ignore the weird pedo shit, some people can't really do that like you. Sadly it's just how it is in japan.


@Astor Lefflinkler i mean fam, let's be real. It's actually creepy as shit. but at this point we're used to it, it's either ignore it or stop watching at this point. I choose to ignore it cuz overall the main purpose of the show is actually good


bro i think you need help ddg, something clearly bothering tf outta you


@Zuku fuck off with that lil bro shit you cuck ass fuckboi. Im old enough to be your daddy. And to address the other dumb shit you said. There aren't enough normal aspects of this show to enjoy its all fucking trash. it really proves how much degenerate you mushoku niggas are that you just excuse the pedo shit lol. Naw japan dont get a pass on that. Them Japanese mofos are weird as fuck and deserve to be criticized.


@Zuku fuck you, we gonna talk it as much as we want. Stay mad. And the show is still overrated anyway.


@Camari Selvy look at all the butthurt mushoku bitches leaving there basement to talk shit because there trash show came back lmao


You can talk about how you’re grown, but the fact you won’t let this argument go already makes you seem so childish. Just sayin


@Julius the pedo tensei fans should be the last mofos to talk about somebody being childish. Stay in your lane bum.


See? You’re being so childish you can’t admit it 🤣


@Julius Nope, there is nothing to admit. But keep crying bitch 🤣


Children that think they’re grown can’t help but to swear. Look at you checking all those boxes like a big boy.


@Julius the pedo tensei weeb that thinks there some enlightened intelligent adult. But is really just checking all the boxes of being a pathetic dumb loser that likes to ride my nuts and cant accept this show is trash lol


If you really thought this show was trash you’d just ignore everybody here and be done with arguing by now. You also basically payed these guys to watch it. Sounds like you just wanted the attention to me.


@Julius Yeah and its clear you're just starving for dick with the fact that me trashing the show bothers you that much lol Who said anything about me watching it? Imagine being so dumb that you don't recognize that there are other shows these guys react to. You truly display the low intelligence that mushoku fans have.


I didn’t say I was mad and no shit they react to other shit too.🤣 They’ve been at this for years. I’m just confused on why your hating on a show you don’t even watch. Especially because this is animated and not real.


@Julius Don't try to act like you knew dumb fuck. You legit said that I'm paying them to watch this shit. like its the only thing I'm watching on there patreon. A better question is why you're dick riding the show so much that me hating it bothers you. Especially considering its animated and not real. I'm guessing its hard for you Isekai self inserters to not see yourselves as Rudeus so you take it personal lol


No acting needed. Just because you basically payed them to watch MT, doesn’t mean I said that was the only thing. You trying so hard to argue now. I also said I wasn’t mad, but like a child you weren’t really paying attention.


@Julius except I haven't watched it lol Your dumbass has a hard time reading huh? The low iq of being a mushoku watcher is rearing its head once again. Also it takes two to argue. so that line doesn't work here. And you are butthurt that I'm dissing your weeb show


You know what you’re right. Imagine bitching about a show you know nothing about🤣


@Julius I know enough that its trash. Imagine bitching and getting butthurt enough about my opinion. keep crying bitch🤣 lol


You think it’s trash but you don’t actually know because you don’t watch it.


@Julius Nope, I have seen enough to know its trash. idiot.


@Julius it wasn't just half a episode stupid ass boi. I watched at least three of them before I realized it was shit. I also spoiled myself as well on the endings to see if it gets better. And it doesn't lol


I respect your hate for the show and him, but you do realize it’s niggas like you that people like him exist in the first place right?


@Julius nah fuck outta here nigga. its mofos like you that give birth to these sorry ass degenerates like rudeus with them excuses you make for him lol Like how tf you gon blame me for rudeus being a pedo?


The way you responded just tells me you weren’t paying attention when watching those 3 episodes.


@Julius the way you responded proves to me that you weren't paying any attention at all in school.


Too bad for you I got my diploma. you’re dumbass is probably a dropout.


@Julius The only diploma you have is in sucking dick on the street corner for 20 dollars, you bum ass dumb fuck lol quit projecting loser


Sorry, but I don’t think that’s actually a diploma. Also, I think I’m done arguing with you because the longer o talk to you the more brain cells I lose. So bye😁


@Julius its a diploma you have tho lol And stop acting like you had much brain cells to begin with dummy because you don't.


@L.C. you're a fucking creep dude, and all the niggas who agree with you need to be put on a watchlist. You sick fucks


@Camari Selvy not as weird as being a musoku fan lol but keep coping bud.


damn i was actually reading yo comments from a year ago and was surprised to see you still here cause im catching up cause i just got into it. but while your here just quick question. Does the Romeo (17) and Juliet (13) role not apply here? (gen curiosity) i still havent seen anyone mention that at all. i get its weird asf bc the ages and all but have we not considered this is another world entirely also. but then there the fact of a 44 y/o conscious, but even so he's reborn as a full baby in another world. but lets take it to Japan for a sec. They have a culture thats hasn't changed for centuries same as some tribes thats never had outside human contact in THIS world. they dont even know what a pedophile is much less care about our cultures and ideals. im def not defending pedophiles, but dude never once showed any sign of being a pedophile in his previous life just a bum. hes reborn as a baby with his same mind and was attracted to his own mother and the maid as a toddler. Then Roxy (who is 44) he only felt any sort of attraction to girls his reborn age was and thought Slphie was a boy at first. His only first attraction was Eris after he got to know her and shes OLDER than him in that world but consiously hes older. Sooo is she pedophile? Very curious.


@MethodTKT Not the original commenter but I will give my take on it. I don't personally feel like the whole reincarnation thing is done well at all in the show Because we still get to many monologues of rudy with his previous self. Its like the author doesnet want stick to there guns and just wants to keep pushing there own weird fantasies. And its been a while since I seen the first episode but I'm pretty sure it did heavily allude to him being a pedo or at least being into that type of stuff in his previous life. But I'm not sure. When it comes to Romeo and Juliet it is kind of weird but not to the same extent here imo. Also I don't know where you got the idea that pedophilia doesn't exist in this world when that's clearly not true. Or else Eris would not have been so disgusted at the idea of having to marry and older man. That type of thing clearly isnt the norm. Also You're kind of wrong about Rudy showing attraction to Eris when they are older. Rudy is shown being attracted to her fairly early in the story in the worst ways possible with trying to sexual assault her. Which also doesn't help his case either. Now I don't think that makes Eris a pedo. But Roxy might be problematic so you make a good point. This is why I think this anime is pretty garbage for the most part because it doesn't exactly feel like a redemption story and also for other reasons as well. Like the fact that its more of a shitty harem power fantasy story that likes to think its deep and all the characters are unlikable pieces of shit. All the Mushoku butthurt fanboys can get mad if they want. Mushoku is pretty shit when looked at objectively. But the Mushoku fans dick ride it to hard to see that.


People like it because it's well-written, Marcopopo. Nobody gives a flying fuck what you think about the content, the series' popularity speaks for itself. Not to mention you didn't legitimately critique a single bit of writing, just that you don't like the content. Which has never been a valid reason to call something "shit objectively." The only thing that's objectively shitty here is your taste and skills at presenting a compelling argument. Your complete and utter lack of commas while writing, too, I suppose.


@ddg69 And that is awful rich coming from the person who has seemingly dedicated their entire life to being an uneducated basement-dweller. Go the fuck outside. Maybe do some reading, too, so you sound less like a toddler when you decide to open your lobotomite mouth.


@シュモーク Except its not well written you dumb fuck. Its the typical bullshit harem powerfantasy anime シュモーク. Just because you're a butthurt weeb bitch that cant read isn't my problem. Also news flash idiot, just because something is popular doesn't speak to objective quality. It just means you dummies are easy to please. And you clearly do give a fuck. Considering your moist dyslexic ass actually responded to me in the fist place. Just because you have a bad taste in media and are to stupid to realize that this show is actually shit has nothing to to do with me you mouth breathing reject. also its funny how you accuse anyone of being a basement dweller. When your beating your tiny micro penis to this trash show. Go actually get some pussy, but I know that's going to be hard for some ugly weeb otaku loser. Go wipe the Cheeto crumbs off your keyboard first you bum.


And yet, you still have absolutely zero ACTUAL points to make. Not surprising from someone with a room-temperature IQ score. Not to mention popularity is literally the ONLY objective measurement of media quality you can make. I see your opinion, it's just dogshit, and everybody else disagrees with you. Including the people you pay $5+ a month just so you can sit here being a useless fucking idiot. But no, I'M definitely the loser here. LMFAO. You don't have a single friend to your name and it is painfully obvious. Also, your grammar is still god-awful. Should probably get that figured out before you decide to write essays.


@シュモーク Nope you just keep proving you cant read which isn't surprising from some mushoku weeb fanboy. Just because you and the rest of the dick riders like this show doesn't speak to objective quality you dumb fuck, And I could give a shit less if you disagree. I can just keep clowning your stupid retard ass it makes no difference to me you idiot. Also you are a fucking loser. Your mother is clearly regretting the abortion not going through and you're this pissed at me because nobody wants to deal with your inbred worthless ass. So you latch on to some shitty trash anime about another reject and self insert into it. Its painfully pathetic. Also a dyslexic idiot like you criticizing my grammar is peak irony LMAFO.


Yeah that's what I fuckin' thought lmao. You've COMPLETELY given up on making any kind of compelling argument, and are just blindly throwing insults. Brain-dead behavior from a brain-dead child. If you don't like it, cancel the fucking subscription to the people that do like it and fuck off. NOBODY wants you here... or probably anywhere else for that matter. Still a painful lack of commas in your comments, too.


@シュモーク There is no point in trying to make a point with a dumbass like you. You're still going to be a moist little bitch either way. Lol if you don't like my opinions and you clearly cant handle them then go ahead and cancel your own subscription. Cause I could give a fuck if you or any other chode that likes this anime doesn't want me here. Go fuck off and and jump into moving traffic or something. Nobody is going to miss you. Also work on your grammar you stupid bum.


LOL yeah, lemme just cancel my own subscription, since I'm actually enjoying the content I pay for unlike your retarded ass. Good one buddy.


@シュモーク who says I don't enjoy the content you mouth dribbling retard bitch. Just because I'm not beating my dick off to this trash like your malding ugly ass doesn't mean I don't like the other stuff. But I guess your to stupid to understand that.


lmao ddg just saying what he wants regardless if it makes sense or not. Definitely a twitter loving incel who secretly hides that fact that hes a pedo by aggressively hating on it.


@Trandon Lmao or maybe the weirdo has a different opinion then you butthurt weeb babies that dick ride this show. If anyone is a incel its you self inserting bitch bois that love rudeus so much. Also the irony of you calling anyone is pedo is hilarious considering how much you like the show. The pedo here is you.


@Marcopopo350 Are you a child? You lack any sort of brain function and instead of making your point clear in this argument, you spew insults since you can't put your thoughts into words. You must've dropped out of elementary school if you can't agree to disagree with someone else's opinion. Is it not enough to just accept that you like different things and move on? If you don't like Mushoku Tensei then why are you watching Roshi's reaction to episode 22? Maybe instead of spamming insults like a child who learned their first swear word, you can read a dictionary and make up a compelling argument as to why you think MT is "objectively shit". Otherwise, turn off your pc and go touch grass you shit eating sewer rat.


@Marco Polo Are you a pathetic dick rider? Clearly you are. You lack any type of testosterone or braincells. And its funny how you talk about me having a lack of an argument when your bitch ass legit has none either. And is just mad I'm criticizing this overrated trash heap of a show. You clearly must have been dropped on your head as a child. That can only explain the amount of retardation we are dealing with here. Is it not enough that you cant stop crying like a bitch because I don't like the show. Maybe instead of dick riding like the pathetic obese otaku shit stain that you are. You can realize that not everybody is going to like your shitty anime. You can actually get laid instead self inserting into Rudeus( tho no doubt its going to be a challenge for you ugly incel fucks) like Mushoku fanboy losers usually do. Its why you assholes always get so butthurt. And no, I don't owe you shit. Stay malding and seething because I don't like this show. So take your own advice you shit eating garbage loving pig.

The Pebble

Holy shit, that dude DDG spent over six months on this one reaction arguing after saying multiple times he doesn't care and won't waste his time arguing...This battle between keyboard warriors is unlike any I've seen in a long time.


All you mofos are lame as fuck honestly, You're literally called Booty.D.Warrior You done have any room to talk.

The Pebble

Yeah yeah you're so above everyone, judging my character based off a screen name. 😆😆 You got it big guy


I mean yall like to judge to, so I guess that applies to you as well my guy.

Art of Trolling

Yo this shit has been going on for 5 months lmao.


This anime spawns some wild people. On both sides. It’s funny because it’s hardly the first anime to have odd themes just the first one that’s actually explored them and not a one time thing it forgets about. I mean it makes sense being reincarnated isn’t something that happens irl so some people don’t know how to wrap their head around the situation or its nuances.


@SoggySoup I feel what your saying but I don't think its nessiarly the reincarnation aspect that people take problem with and more how its executed.

Marcopopo350 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 04:03:10 @Michikage Sugawara also to the loser from the discord called kagenyx or Kage. imagine being so stupid that you don't no the difference between between a regular fan and a weeb. As if roshi and them don't watch other stuff besides anime.
2024-03-07 12:39:53 @Michikage Sugawara also to the loser from the discord called kagenyx or Kage. imagine being so stupid that you don't no the difference between between a regular fan and a weeb. As if roshi and them don't watch other stuff besides anime. Also to that pussy called Amr from the discord. He can go fuck himself to.

@Michikage Sugawara also to the loser from the discord called kagenyx or Kage. imagine being so stupid that you don't no the difference between between a regular fan and a weeb. As if roshi and them don't watch other stuff besides anime. Also to that pussy called Amr from the discord. He can go fuck himself to.

Manuel Cerda

perfect description for this episode

Tusk Ish

The goats making the last hour of my shift that much more bearable


Bruh my ex did the same thing to me.


Damn, bro. I’d be crying too if I was Rudeus. Imagine waking up feeling like the king of the world because you got to beat cheeks for the first time only to find out your dick game is TRASH. I’d never recover. Eris really Britney Spears’d her shit and peaced the fuck out.

jesse almonte

Cheeks and sadness is the autobiography of my highschool life


Gotta remember that not only does he think Eris doesn't like him anymore and that his dick game is trash, he's all alone. No more Ruijerd no more Eris, not even Gishlaine or his dad that's gotta suck. Like what do you even do now? Edit: Oh they picked up on it good stuff, you guys smart


Yeah that would suck for anyone, especially since they were together for such a long time. But now time for the next arc. I can't wait


lupa saying the intro weak but not noticing the callback to the first intro 😔


Structures fell apart because of the explosion of the teleport incident.


Fuck Eris, he needs to go back to Sylphie the true #1


Its sad how many stupid snowflakes the western anime audience has. I seen complaints about this shit and not the part you would think aka the part where Eris left. Its about the sex itself. They literally did the best they could with this part of the series where they had sex. The manga and light novel had more panels. Wasnt too explicit but it showed more than the anime did. The anime used symbolism with the liquid and the cup while barely showing anything. Yet people are complaining about them doing it as if this wasnt reincarnation. As if this wasnt a totally different time period of a setting and totally different cultures. As if they weren’t eventually going to do it. Rudy literally developed so much that he was willing to wait. He didn’t even want to take advantage of her in that matter but Eris wanted it. Also they bring up the fact they are cousins. She is like his 3rd cousin which is not at all the same as 1st cousin. A distant cousin is far enough away that it barely even matters or should count as technical “incest”. Like bruh. People gotta complain about every little thing. Get over it and don’t watch if you cant handle the maturity and differences of this series that shows its willing to go certain lengths to be different and adapt everything properly. Im probably gonna get shit for this but the amount of BS the western audience has to complain about is annoying. Japan has every right to keep anime and manga within their own country or away from everyone else because people get genuinely upset over this shit


watch peaky blinders you will enjoy it


Yo what I don't understand is that I've seen some people drop the show because they say Rudy is a pedophile but he's literally a child. Like just because you have the memories of your past life doesn't mean anything. But yet those same people have no problem with Tokyo Revengers and Takemichi kissing Hina, like yeah he's 12 but he also has his memories from his adult self so???


Later in the Manga, this hurts so much more when you realize what's actually happening with Eris.

Ross Lerma

the calamity made everything disappear not just people, so his house didn't fall apart most of it just got destroyed by the calamity


I think she left so she could get strong enough to protect him. She looked like she felt bad when he mentioned preparing to meet Orsted again with the magic nullification stuff. Like she knew she needed to do something to prepare as well.


Even knowing how it all shakes out after this, this still hurts to see. My man Rudeus got the short stick, even considering the reasons.

Joshua Tuggle

Where is this episode in the manga?

Taylor Moon

This show is so fucking good and I can’t wait for the next episode and season three

Christopher Collier

I wouldn’t call someone who is bothered by two prepubescent characters having sex a snowflake


Also history lesson..... Humanity has made it a thing to have intercourse within family all throughout history. Its just a problem of the closer your blood relation the higher the outcome of a offspring with potential deformations and general problems of the body. That still didn't stop everyone throughout history of getting with distant family or sometimes even closer family. How do you think people continue to procreate when they are enclosed within certain boundaries of people? Like if you saw Dr stone those people on that Island are all related. That is why the author of Dr stone made it a point to have some people look deformed or different. They are in the point of procreation where the only way they continue to procreate is that they have sex with a person related to them. It probably isn't even considered when it comes to blood relationship when people were in those times. It didn't matter. If you loved someone and you wanted a baby it didn't matter at all. That is just how history works.


Treated my man Rudy like a side hoe😂😂

Big Daddy Dre

It’s the same with the world’s finest assassin reincarnated show where the man character is a 60 but in a child’s body and he’s in love with a 17 year…people don’t have a problem with that show and that show was literally created by the nigga who made redo of healer😂😂


remember rudy was always alone and when he got reincarnated he thought he have a new life and friends and family now eris left and his dad gone looking for his mom and the maid and his sister are away rudy has no one again that right there will cause rudy to go back to his old self

Retroactive Gamer

Hell yeah, I REALLY hope since they are only working on MT, that it doesn't take very long for the next part with S2 Part 1.

Yolo Samurai

I can't believe she ghosted my nigga Rudi like that after all he did for her... It aint right, smh...

Smash Bran'Discootch

If you remember, in Eris's family they mimicked the beast folk when they were really serious about something. So Eris saying, "I want to have your kittens, meow" was actually the way she could convey most seriously that she absolutely unequivically wanted the D. That, to her, was like UBER consent. The whole way they did that was really tasteful. Like yeah, its two kids doing the horizontal monster mash but it did it in a way that conveyed nothing but emotion and a sort of cap on their journey.


Lmao I am dead. Did this dude just respond with calling them prepubescent? This is the problem with the western audience. They are filled with idiots. Do you know what prepubescence means? Do you know when puberty starts and when the female body adapts for having an offspring? The female body goes through puberty and adapts for the capability of having sex and having a baby well before 18. Its honestly done most likely by age 13-15. The male body is capable of producing sperm and being capable of sex very young as well. At least learn a little bit about anatomy before saying prepubescence is categorized as a 13 year old boy and a 15 year old girl. Prepubescence is literally before puberty even starts. My guy you are a snowflake who can't even give a solid argument to begin with because you don't even know how the body develops. "Prepubescent" Go get some highschool education again. Also talk to some of the kids who end up having intercourse well before they get out of highschool. It happens. Middle school girls can have babies. It happens to this day. Sex happens before the legal age whether it is shamed upon or not.


I hope they do show the reason why Eris left in the next episode. She had her reasons why she left Rudeus. Second, in the previous episode. I comment if the haters are still in here. Because i knew this scene was coming up next. How do you feel now that Rudeus and Eris has done the deed? Do you feel in disgust with Rudeus? The fact that Rudeus was handling the situation in a mature way. His best attempt to turn down the offer of sex. Or were you judging him early in the season because in your mind, you felt Rudeus was going to force himself on Eris. The scene was beautiful because their union was done consensually.


The E/D has begun lol 😂

Asante Upshur-Benson

Rudeus gonna be playing Marvin’s Room all day and drinking wine😭


In his dream he was together with everyone he loved in reality he was left all alone

Joshua Burns

Episode title “Why women deserve less”😂😂😂

Christopher Collier

Prepubescent means before puberty. Puberty is typically around aged 13-15. Rudy and Eris are not 13-15. Plus Rudy is an adult man mentally. Also why are you so pressed about defending this show? Yes I know sex among underage people is commonplace. But that doesn’t mean it is good. Two children below middle school age shouldn’t be having sex. Especially when one is mentally a grown ass man.


Damn he clapped cheeks not knowing Eris had the heart of a fuckboy. My man Rudeus down baaaaad. They really rollercoastered homie feelings smh. Alone like shit now too.


It should be kept in mind that Eris is absolutely TERRIBLE when it comes to communication and that she puts Rudeus on a tall pedestal. *SPOILER* In Eris' mind she is not strong enough to be by Rudy's side after her defeat from Orsted. She thinks that she is not capable of protecting him after she has lost nearly everyone. Of course we as the audience know that Rudy doesn't care about that, but to her it's a big deal. And so she is going off to train so that one day she is strong enough to be with him, even if it means having to die for him. Problem is that the letter fails to convey those feelings, so Rudy thinks he just got dumped and that his dick is trash.


love how the yams werent worth it.... love you guys

Immoral Mortal

Hopefully they will give the explanation next episode and not make people wait until next season, as for the sex scene it didnt bother me in the manga and doesnt bother me here. I know some people are upset about it but i just dont think its a big deal its an anime.


Rudy is 13. Eris is 15. If you followed the series you would know that.


I dont know if was just because he was about start crying, but it sounded like his adult voice for his inner thoughts was starting to sound like his outer voice like he’s fully becoming Rudeas outside and inside.


Damn,seeing Ruijerd leave gave me ptrpg syndrome, always the cool, crazy strong characters dipping on you.


And I am not defending children having intercourse. I am defending the series in what it has set up and what it has allowed. Also I am defending that all throughout history this type of thing has happened. It doesn't matter what you think should or shouldn't happen.


Eris pov next episode finna hit hard😔


As much as the ending pains me I can’t be mad at Eris because she has a good reason, but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth considering the consequences are going to be felt next season. I hope they animate volume 7 of the light novel, the manga didn’t include that for some reason, but it would have to be censored, but considering how they did good with the censorship with the sex scene not showing hella shit, I think they could do it next season as well

Christopher Collier

The fact that something has happened before in history doesn’t justify it. If Rudy kept a girl as a sex slave, the fact that people in the past have done that wouldn’t justify it.

Grantland Shearer

I really was pleasantly surprised with how tasteful they did the love scene.


The way they did the sex scene was very tasteful and im happy they didnt really show anything or make it creepy


From a narrative perspective, I figure this is pretty much the only place the story could have gone. The three characters in the squad all have their own things going on and Rudy needs to track down Sylphie. I haven't seen anything but the show, so don't tell me if I'm wrong (at least don't tell me what it actually is if I am), but I figure it would be somewhat aligned with what might be going on if Sylphie somehow wound up at that magic academy they were angling for and Rudy ended up going there to find her and then getting a bit of one-on-one time with a master who could help him refine his skills to the point he can make full use of his power. I mean, from here on, it seems like we're walking into the world of the gods and he's going from being on the top of the heap in the normie world to being at the bottom of the mythic world, so he needs to take it to the next level. I assume that's what Eris is up to with Ghislane, aside from sorting out her feelings about everything that's happened.

Anthony Argueta

Something that should be noted about Eris is the wording of the letter, that she just got clapped last ep where Rudy pretty much died, and that she cut her long hair off. Most notably in fiction or IRL, changing or cutting one's hair means they want a change. That's why u see tons of ppl who had a mid life crisis or go through a break up dye or cut their hair.


HEAVY ASS SPOILERS The crazy thing is we not gonna see eris for like another 3 or 4 seasons


This episode was a masterpiece, holy fuck this show is so good

Matrim Hall

The reason Eris left was for self-growth. It's noticeable in the context clues, but is explained much more thoroughly in the manga and light novel, but Eris felt she wasn't good enough for Rudeus. She couldn't save him when they were fighting Orsted, and every time she grew he grew that much faster. She considers him stronger, smarter, and more capable at everything (whether or not it's actually true) and decided that in order to be "worthy" of him, she needed to first get stronger. We all know she doesn't exactly have a way with words, so obviously the letter would read to Rudeus like he couldn't measure up to her, rather than vice versa.

Grantland Shearer

I know right? I even posted in the community on Sunday afternoon to pay attention to the intro music. I picked up on it halfway through like "wait, this is different from the rest of the season, but I know this song." 😯🤯


cheeks and sadness should be the name of this episode😭😭😭😭

Hakurei Oni

Yep extremely well done, and it did a good job showing the symbolism with the wine and the cup

Zachary Provenzano

yeah Rudy was alone in his past life now he's alone in his new life. Shits not right., Poor Rudy :(


Bro is a fictional story, it doesn't matter, just because a show has the balls to tell a story with things that are taboo doesn't make it bad. I'm 100% sure that you saw Game of Thrones where in the books Daenerys is literally 13 years old and is being raped by Khal Drogo but because of the snowflake mentality of the people they omited this fact from the TV show.


I thought they heard they might make Vol 7 into a movie


There is one ep left but yea, SPOLIERS, next ep is gonna be Eris POV of the events from this ep


Hopefully they actually show where she went next episode. Because otherwise that's gonna leave anime-onlys confused as fuck.

Christopher Collier

What? A 13 year old being raped is worse than what Rudy does. I didn’t approve of that either. Let me ask you this. In the book IT, there is a orgy scene among the characters. They obviously omitted that from the movie. Do you consider that a “snowflake choice”? If so, why? Why is not wanting to show sex scene involving children somehow a bad thing to you?


Ya'll fighting to defend the weird creepy pedo shit in this show always come off looking hella weird yourselves. There's no "consent" between a thirty year old man and a child. Furthermore even if I bought the arguement that Rudeus is a child (i don't) i could maybe buy the whole innocent young love thing BUT the show goes out of it's way to sexualize almost every child female character regardless. This is something ya'll gotta drill in ya'll heads, normal people don't fuck with this loli shit. Does it make the show bad? No, but it definitely diminishes in my and other people's eyes

Zach Saltou

I don't think they explained the reason for quite a while in the LN so this hit pretty hard even having spoiled myself almost a year ago. Eris is a girl of few words tho so makes sense she does not do an explanation. I fucking love this show and novel.


Volume 12 would be the best for a movie


Sheera literally says something like "She felt alone ghislaine is her only family thats why she left" after Eris wanted to make sure that Rudy was her family through intercourse and the present she wanted was Rudeus becoming her family. I don't blame you for not understanding what happened and why she left but sheera come on now.


Ayo did this nigga tell rujerd about him seeing the mangod and being reincarnated and nobody noticed?


Been reading the LN recently and one thing that wasn't properly done was the development between Eris and Rudeus. At this point in time she is in love with him. As far back as when they trained with Ghislaine in the mansion she states that she had noticed how Eris' looks she gave Rudeas had changed to those of a woman in love. She even went so far as to compare it to when she saw Zenith fall in love with Paul back in their adventuring days. Im not caught up to where the anime is, but I'd imagine Eris has a good reason for leaving.


If they do do that they might do what demon slayer did and just animate the eipsodes in the anime anyway. It seems like they’re doing around 3 episodes per volume


I haven't read the IT book so i can't say anything about it but for this series, them getting together is a fundamental part of the story, i don't know about the orgy scene that you are quoting. Besides all i saw was a kiss, they didn't animate them having sex. It was clear that the intent wasn't to cause arouse.


idk why u think he told ruijerd about his reincarnation


Yea I was thinking that too


So what Matrim said I was not sure if they would have explained it, but in the light novel they showed what Eris was thinking in a summary of like 10 or so pages over the last 3 years since they been teleported. But did not think that they would since they went back to rudeus after the yams getting smashed

Devin B

I can't blame her for thinking that cause what Eris said and her actions afterwards looks contradictory cause if she considered him as family then why leave.


Nahh, i would never recover from that


I figure that because she's leaving with ghislaine she's probably off to get stronger. Her goal was to get back to her family, and now that she sees there's nothing there for her, she has to move on to the next goal. Her goals aren't exactly in line with Rudy's (finding the rest of his family) so the split makes sense. It sucks he was left alone like that but its not as if he was left with no purpose as well, he still has a job to do


I guess there are still people who believe he is an old man. When i've explained that we define age from the year they were born. By that standard, Rudeus is a young boy. Literally the meaning reincarnation is to be reborn to a new life. It's a start over. I guess you called Aang a pedo as well for having a relationship with Katara as well. As the avatar has been reincarnated multiple lives.

AlexXis Amadeus

shit, that hurt on a spiritual level.


We def lost some comrades over this beautiful episode. It's really sad to see people drop the series bc of this. The S** scene was handled in a good way and wasn't there for pointless fanservice. This studio is the real deal.

Emman Reed

this shit was low key deep as fuck. Great show. Also maybe eris cut her hair to avoid being a concubine.


Exactly, they literally didn't show anything but a kiss, middle schoolers do that and even sometimes in elementary. This is also a fictional story where the dude REINCARNATES, just forget the fact he's a old 30-40 year man and think he's a kid, because he basically is. He has the mindset of a kid thats growing still.

Reckless Company

this show got so deep like they both really left him smh


she said we're not balanced well together or something along those lines which can be interpreted as your dick isn't good enough for me. This is also how he is gonna take it.


Man, i wonder what will the haters say in the future. They will definitely use another issue/topic to put Rudeus down. Novel readers knows this. It's another P word (not pedo). I wonder how haters are going to overreact on that one.


The Manga is considered the poorest adaptation of the story. The Manga changes the tone on many scenes, some 180 degrees. The Manga skipped a whole volume of the story. The Manga portrays Rudy as more frivolous. If you are looking for more context and understanding, you want to read the Light Novel volume 6, the last few chapters. If you are looking for other ways the love scene is drawn, you can just search for fan art of Rudy x Eris instead of wasting time on that embarrassment of a Manga.


its not just people, the houses and land all seem to have gotten teleported too, just the entire area, period


Actually the only reason Orsted killed Rudy was because he found out he had relation to Human-God.


yeah no cap eris did rudy dirty. i agree with lupa 100%, she should’ve at least said bye. rudy ain’t got nobody now…ready to see his next steps tho. he still has a lot of growth.

Kenyon McKee

No I’m not spoiling but ya gonna find out why she left and trust me it’s not anything ya think it is. How she put her words on paper is not truly how she feels and why she left.


Some people got mad at this episode, well more like mad at Rudy saying hes trash because he was older on our world but they don't get that he got reincarnated. Yes he still has his memories from previous life but I still think this was on eris, she wouldn't have taken no for an answer but either way next episode gonna be hype

Mozart Waddell

RIP to all of the great reactions we would've gotten if so many reactors on YouTube didn't drop and try to cancel this series in protest. You guys are real ones. I loved every minute of this show watching along week-to-week with you guys.


No confirmations or denials, but I think you are doing a better job at understanding the characters and story than many blind reviewers I have watched. Top 20% blind analysis.


Yeah, when I watched it I felt there was more to it then "she just left, bye" type thing .

Xavier Chandler

Eris' reasons for what she did lie with what happened with Orsted and Rudy as well but that will be explained so i wont ruin it


They did not use words, but they showed in the dancing episode how proud she was of Rudy, and she acted jealously when the other girls were interested in him. This whole core Eris has been sleeping next to Rudy, facing him. Its not as obvious as if they had Ghislaine spell it out, but anime onlys that pay attention could put 2 and 2 together. Don't know how many have.

Andres Holguin

don't know if yall caught it but it played the first intro during this episode since they came back to their home

Malerbe Gilles

The difference between Avatar and this is, in avatar, they don’t remember their past lives, they can talk to the past people tho, so it’s not like each person lived a full life on top of another life With this tho, dude lived a whole life, he’s got the mind of a grown man that has already been caught doin some underage porn in his past life I believe, and now he lowkey groomed Eris and slept with her, while he still has a mentality of a grown man It’s even more evident cause when he self monologues, it’s not like he sounds like a kid, it’s always portrayed as he is a grown man in the head

Malerbe Gilles

I feel like the difference is, not only he got the memories, but he still had the mentality of a grown man too, it’s not like he’s some random kid with memories of a dude, he’s a grown man with a kid’s body, I feel like the anime shows this by having he voice sound like his old voice when he self Monologues, or in the beginning where he was a horn dog, he still has his mentality as an adult And about the Eris thing, I feel like it’s still more on Rudy cause he got magic, he can slide out of it, and to me atleast, that’s the same as sayin a grown man can’t say no to smashin a teen cause the teen wouldn’t say no


The ones who dropped it are kinda irrelevant though

Mozart Waddell

@JJ there were some reactors with 200k+ subscriber count who dropped it abruptly and one of them even went on a spiel about how they're above the fray and refuse to watch another episode


To be fair though I thought that was obvious. Like you don't say you want a family with someone, have sex with them and then be like yeah we don't work well together imma peace out.


@Malerbe Gilles Wrong, he has access to his past lives. That what he realized at the end of the show when he was at the Lion turtle back. Roku confirmed it, he always has access to his past lives. He didn't need solstice or anything to talk to his previous lives. I always used Avatar because it is perfect example to use. No matter how hard anyone try to spin the words. The show says that Wan, Kiyoshi, Roku, Aang, Korra are the SAME being. That is canon, the same way that the NEET person and Rudeus are the same person. But if you can differentiate the different lives experience by Avatar then you can differentiate the lives experience by NEET person and Rudeus. It is a DIFFERENT life experience the same individual. Highlight the word different. Either you accept the fact or don't. If you don't then Avatar is a much creepier individual than Rudeus. As the Avatar is much much older and prey on the young.


if I had to hazard a guess as to why everything was so run down, I would say that the Mana Disaster didn't just teleport people, but every living thing in the blast radius, which is why everything cut off at that field during the intro song, it was the edge of that radius. There's barely any grass, few living creatures that we see besides the refugees, and the trees are all barren and dead. I'm anime only so I have no idea if I'm correct but that's my current running theory.

Alexander Brown

Loved how they slowed down the 1st op of the show to signify he was home, but thst it was going to be emotional.


In Avatar Aang is a child who is in cryosleep and comes out exactly as he was with no knowledge or experiences that would come from being actually 100 years, unlike Rudeus who woke up as a baby but still had the mind of his adult real self. In Avatar Aang has ACCESS to his old lives and can draw from their expiriences, he is not those people. He might be them spirtually as he has the spirit of Raava in him but he does not act like any previous Avatar nor do they influence how he is as a person unlike Rudeus who is just a grown man that got put into the body of a baby and continued "growing" from there. Oh and one little detail, AVATAR DOESN'T SEXUALIZE MINORS NOR DOES AANG CREEP ON YOUNG CHILDREN WHO HE IS MORE MENTALLY MORE MATURE THAN . Holy shit you people are incredible, just admit you like loli shit and that a lot of people don't and move on.


The thing about Rudy is that he's really fragile emotionally. His past life really left a deep scar on him, which results in him having deep self loathing and a low self esteem. Nobody hates him more than he hates himself. It's hard to see without paying attention, but he's always kept the people in this new world at an arms length. He never really considered himself Paul and Zenith's son, and he also never saw them as his parents, seeing Paul as more of a 'best friend' than a father. This can also be seen when he only saw Eris as a 'stuck-up tsundere loli' during episode 8 of the 1st cour. He's terrified of being rejected by the people he opens his heart too. However, he's slowly began to assimilate more and more into this world, and consider himself a part of it too. In episode 6 of the 2nd cour, he finally began too see Paul as his Dad. And now he's finally started to get close emotionally to Eris, someone that he truly loves and cherishes. He's ready to start a family with her. To bond with her on an emotional and physical level. He finally opens his heart to someone, someone he loves. Only for the one person he truly loves and opened up to emotionally to just up and leave him. "Abandon" him. This of course really confuses him, and spirals him into a deep depression. He opened up to somebody he loved, only to be rejected, the one thing he's truly terrified of. So he cries. Cries for the first time since he's been in this world. He's now truly alone. This marks a major turning point in Rudeus' character. (Ngl, when I first finished volume 6 of the LN, Eris leaving genuinely fucked me up for a while. I absolutely loved her character, so it hurt seeing her leave Rudeus, even though her reasons for leaving were completely understandable. Her POV is my favorite part of volume 6, so I'm looking forward to how the anime will adapt it 👌🏽. )


I'll just say this. She explains why she left in more detail later.


Not here to defend him but what is the concept of reincarnation to you Alan?


I don’t understand why people struggle with the concept of reincarnation. RUDEUS IS NOT A GROWN MAN POSSESSING THE BODY OF A CHILD. He was literally reborn (pushed out of a vajayjay) into a whole different person who just remembers his past life. Tanya von Degurechaff from Youjo Senki - Is she gay if she falls in love with a man because she remembers she was a man in her past life? People can’t enjoy shows/movies anymore because of cancel culture, man.


@Alan Avatar has access to his old lives but previous Avatar cannot influence the present Avatar? Care to elaborate how did Roku know about Sozin comet? Roku died before fire nation used sozin comet. Somehow Roku knows Sozin comet and had to tell Aang about. Doesn't that influence in some way? I thought haters problem is that Rudeus is pedo. Because they perceive him as a old person having a relationship in a minor. If you clearly believe Rudeus is a old man, then by your logic Aang is an old man. Having a relationship with a minor with Katara. Is that the problem? or sexualizing of minors? Because a lot of anime do that. Regardless of what you mentioned. Doesn't change the fact that Both Mushoku and Avatar have reincarnation in their stories. If you applied one logic, then you apply the same thing to the other.


The opening song for this episode was a remix of the very first one, but it was a lot more sad and 'tired' sounding, symbolizing the end of the journey and Rudeus trying to find what he lost back then but realising he could never truly go back to those days: His home has changed, and so did he. The absence of cinematic or anything cool is likely because there's nothing left, of the journey, except to come back home (also still in shock from Orstred, made the whole return bittersweet).

Terrence Carter

😭😭😭 after all that to end up alone, no home, abandoned 🤦 tragic

Damion Middleton

Sex, Pain, and Loneliness. All in 1 Episode.

Kiril Kupenov

He was all alone in his previous life and didn't want to feel this way again in his new one when he got a new chance and he was actually serious about living, he was trying really hard to not end up alone again. But they left him all alone again, man that's trash, poor guy...

Son Gokhan

@erd,na I must always say this when talking about this ahow culture context explains why something is in a show it doesn't make it correct Different shows handle reincarnation in different ways like in avatar they make sure all the previous avatars are distinctively different people who he communicates to through talking to them they cant them being their dont influence his personality on any level The way you talk about reincarnation is a lot more similar to kenja na mago in which his past life is treated as nothing but information he doesn't remember his old personality nor does it affect who he is now but that doesn't work for mushoku because it is largely about how mc grows and becomes his ideal self which is represented by the body of Rudy he wants to grow mentally from being just an asshole to his perfect self so it is important he is the sameass person so he can grow The point of that hole plot line which people miss because its directed at neets you know the incarnations of depravity because it tells them if you are not willing to become a mentally better person no matter if you physically chance your still a piece of crap which is represented by him being a pedo and a piece of shit at The start and everyone in the fanbase hating him So yeah Rudy is a pedo we all know this he is the same person and you know it important for him to be for the story and unlike oshi no ko they never call out his mentality is affected by reincarnation so all his actions at the start are strick pedophilia which was increased considerably like to a disgusting amount in the anime The current case is a bit different the author wanted to do a plot line and the best way to get there was to have them smash like a personally didn't like it but the story that comes from it is good unlike all the other blatant pedophilia and this is the last of it yeah no more after this since basically everyone comes of age so the worst part of this series is gone yay Also just because other shows sexualized young kids doesn't make it better if you look at all of japenese media all the best series just dont do it yeah their fan service but that is just a waste of time it wouldn't make people angry


Fuck I would cuss out the man god and make him tell me where my family is

Jose silva

Eris left because she felt she wasn't at his level, specially when she saw what Rudy could do vs orsted most of the time Rudy never goes all out but against Orsted he was so out of it he just created the most power explosion he could think off and what he thougt off was a Nuke so in reality if Orsted had not absorb his attack Eris, Ruijerd anf half of that Mountain would have been destroyed.

Xaveria Time

Its not explained well in the anime but rudy has mix of his adult pereonwilty and new child one, hes more of a kid at this poijt in the story, and he only has his old memories.


@Erd'na You gotta be grade A stupid if you think the reincarnation in Avatar is even close to the one in Tensei. The Avatars wouldn't even know they were Avatars if other people didn't tell them unlike Rudeus who woke up day one with all his "past" memories and still thought the same way he did prior to being put into the body of a baby. Aang also is still very much a child who acts and thinks like one unlike Rudeus who literally has a grown ass man in his head. ALSO AVATAR DOESN'T SEXUALIZE CHILDREN, you can try hand-waiving it away all you want because "other anime do it" but it doesn't change the fact that it does. The fact you label people who don't like the pedo stuff in this haters is hilarious, maybe take a page from the show and achieve some mental growth. Or just stop trying to defend anime with pedo shit in it, both will make you look less like a wierdo i promise.

Malerbe Gilles

@Erd’na Yea the just like the other dude said, in avatar, he has access to the other avatars to talk to em, and I believe there was an episode that showed that each avatar is their own person, from Roku’s experience as the avatar, and how the water avatar lost his wife and had his faults, and how Avatar Kiyoshi split the island, and even the air avatar, with her being more spiritual They all have different personalities, different beings, the only thing that is being transferred is Ravva, the ability to talk to the past avatars, and the ability to bend all 4 elements And yea, the difference with this show is he not only remembers everything, but he has the same personality as his past life

Malerbe Gilles

I mean, he kinda is, yea he was reborn as a child again, but he still has the same personality and knowledge as his old life The only way it really would’ve been ok and not pedophilic is for him to have a different personality, all he knows is memories, just information Example: Avatar, aang is a reincarnation of the avatars, but he isn’t every avatar that ever lived, he is his own person with access to the knowledge of past people, but he isn’t the same person as Roku for example


i hope they see this comment after the last ep next week

Daniel Borrego

ok, whats more trash, what eris just pulled on rudy, or what subaru pulled on rem :D(i honestly still think thats my favorite reaction from you guys ) Orsten may have punched a hole through his chest, but eris left a hole in his heart

Daniel Borrego

ya thats what im thinking too. either that or it drained all the plant and animal life to fuel the transportation spell for all the people.

Daniel Borrego

in her defense, she literally just found out her entire family is dead, shes not good with emotions anyways, and shes 15 years old.

Daniel Borrego

thats the one thing im really happy about. after all these episodes with rudy doing straight up fucked up sexual stuff, when the deed is finally done, they took the classy route.


So, adult mind in a child body is still an adult? Koo, guess that makes Shinobu perfectly legal right, since she has a whole ass adult personality in there?

Friendly Elites

What Eris did isn't actually trash though, she honestly needed to leave in order for both her and Rudy to grow. And what she did, sleeping with him 2 years early, was just a selfish and desperate action to try and make him stay with her. The trash part is her leaving the short letter and expecting Rudy to understand everything she was feeling completely out of context, she's just kind of an idiot.


the way rudy's life is spiraling out of control i bet next ep he finds sylphy but his mom dies or sum bs


I think the comparison to Avatar is a fair way to illustrate the difference


He was trying to talk her down. Hitting her with magic? Her emotions are already all over the place and who knows what would have happened what she would have done.


You read ahead as well I see. I feel like the season's gonna end on the pose the radiated chad like energy for Rudeus.


breakup season before leaving for college, how relatable


Due to the early time period, architecture hasn't innovated much yet. Basically, every city looks the same 🤣


Really this is a sad attempt to tell me i'm wrong. I'm gonna break it down simple for you. First, both Aang and Rudeus are reincarnated beings. Second, both characters have a relationship with what people consider to be a minor. If you consider Rudeus a old, and a pedo for having a relationship with a minor then the same logic applies to Aang. You guys keep telling me the difference between each show interpretation of reincarnation. And you ignore the fact it's still reincarnation. None of the difference matters. Because it's the same individual. That's the lore in Avatar plus that's the meaning of reincarnation. Same individual being rebirth. You cannot argue over this FACT. Unless you prove to me Avatar isn't reincarnation, then there is no argument that can win over. My point stands.


Please research what reincarnation means. The SAME individual is rebirth into a different physical vessel. You can't call reincarnation if the past lives isn't the same individual.

Simone Resni

Quick thing in case nobody pointed it out yet: This is the very first time that Rudeus cries in his new life If you remember, he didn't cry a single time even when he was a newborn So seeing him break down this much after being left alone feels very sad


You be surprised. I've actually seen many people upset because they think Eris doesn't see him that way, and that it was just forced fanservice.


I know she has a good reason but man it still hurts and bothers me. But I’m also glad she didn’t go with the Douche bag still sad I really liked Their dynamic together

L Jeans

whats sad is seeing a 47 year old man, not even try to deny a 15 year old and celebrate commiting rape and P*do in the morning and then whine like its not Karma. PLus lets be honest, eris doesnt know Rudy true identity, at least completly, its like having blind s*x or even being lied to. Its wrong, so hes trash and i dont care


we are 22 episodes in and you had every opportunity to stop watching if it bothers you that much but you're still here, don't you think that says a lot about you?


Can't be a pedo if he is a child 😤🧐🌚🙈🙉🙊


First of no reincarnation in Avatar is not the same is the one in Mushoku and i'm tired of pointing out the very obvious reasons on why that is and you going "bUt They'RE boTh reincarNaTiOn" doesn't change that fact. Secondly telling someone to research reincarnation might be the dumbest thing i've heard in a long time. Reincarnation is a fictitious concept with no basis in reality that has multiple meanings and mechanics depending on what form of media or religious text is explaining it. Thridly even IF whatever dumbass arguement you are trying to make about Avatar and Aang being the same as Rudeus and Tensei was correct (it's not) the actual crux of the issue is that....., and this bears repeating because i don't think you quite get it. AVATAR DOESN'T SEXUALIZE CHILDREN AND MUSHOKU TENSEI DOES. Even beyond the arguement of Rudeus being a pedo or not (he is) the show still goes out of it's way to sexualize children making the defense force you got going on pointless. Is it really that hard to understand that some people are not okay with seeing sexualized children, like really? In your big brain that came up with the brilliant strategy of using Avatar as defense against some people not being okay with what is a grown man perving on (and now having sex with) children you couldn't go "hey that sounds like a reasonable opinion, i personally disagree with it but i don't mind it" Grow up homie.

toptier sagat

That's debatable. He's a child in this world but he's still portrayed as a 40 year old dude in a kids body. So, still weird.

Archduke Earl Von Margrave

their at most second cousins and while weird now, not so weird back then so placing modern day morals doesnt really work, and before you say rudy should know better, put it like this, the greyrat name has four different families, Norn which rudy is related to and Boreas with Eris who each marry various blood so most likely while by surname they are related, most likely rudy assumes that they are far far away distant.


She realised the gap, after being defeated by Orsted. She wants to change, and leaving him to train was her answer.


Only Sylphy and / or Roxy can save him at this point 😭

Oh Alone

They spent 3 years traveling from Australia to the UK distance.


I dont think Laplace is the demon god isnt he the technique god ? saw some comment in one of the previous episodes not sure if im right


@Jaxon Stop white knighting a girl. Eris did real trash decisions there, she got news of her parents and in that sadness forced that laying with Rudy. Then left him without any clear explanation. Even Roshi group got how trash that was. Yes she was idiot for doing that, but it's still really trashy move to make for a person who saved you from certain death and literally traveled with you for years and have feelings for you.


@L Jeans Think you have really messed views of this show to call that rape and if it even could be called rape it was done by Eris not Rudy.


Laplace is the Demon God who made the cursed Superd spears. It's even clearly told in this episode when Rudy talks with Ruijerd. We haven't seen Technique god or if I would really guess it was that guy that attacked them when teleport accident happened in season 1 and Ghislaine was fending him off. OR It was that guys master that I am guessing is the guy floating in that castle in the sky.

Jacen Prichard

bro l jeans what bro? so what hes 47 or whatever it wouldnt be a intresting show if he only went after 47 yr old women it would b different but then people would complain that these 47 yr old women are likeing a 13 yr old boy


Lol! No reincarnation in avatar. Like i said, research the meaning of reincarnation. The old avatar dies and is literally reborn in a new physical vessel. NEET characters dies and reborn as Rudeus. Who's making excuses here? The only reason you aren't arguing on this point is because you cannot defend it. If you're going to call Rudeus an old man because of his past life. Then by your standards, Aang is an old person too. It's a simple as that. And on a sidenote, maybe you should look what Pedophilia means. It's not exclusive to being sexual. Yes it is mostly sexual. But pedophilia is also having desires whether sexual or not towards minors. It's funny you are telling me to grow up. When i'm the one calling out your hypocrisy. Having double standards on two characters have some similar backgrounds. Who is being a kid here?


Rudy and Eris really have come a very long way from when they first met. I really like how they showed this event as the culmination of everything they went through together, both the good and the bad. And then after warming your heart with that scene, and giving you a little bit of funnies the following morning, the show decides to just rip your heart out with that sudden departure and no explanation. And Rudy crying at the end in that way at the end really stung. I'm assuming we'll get an explanation next episode. So at the very least, we'll feel some sense of relief hopefully after watching the next episode... unfortunately, can't say the same for Rudy. I'm kinda with Lupa. I definitely get it (mostly), and they definitely have their reasons and circumstances, but the timing is just sooooo bad. It's not really their fault either, but at the same time it's just like, ugh. It sucks so much.


Most of the hate on Rudeus is because you consider him a pedo. He is one becauseyou consider him an old guy. So when i talk and applied the same logic on Aang. You either go Ad Hominem or argue that he isn't same type reincarnation. And even go far as telling me that there isn't reincarnation in Avatar. And you go offtopic and tell me the problem is sexualizing in anime. Like is Mushoku the only that does this?You tell me, i don't get it. Really?!?! The crux of the problem is you consider Rudeus old and hence a pedo for having a relationship with a minor. All i did is apply the same thing to Aang. And everyone goes batshit. And we all know why people are going batshit because they hate the idea applying the same logic to Aang. He is a beloved character.

Drake Rage

Yeah.. people should definitely grow up and stop calling Rudy a pedo and crap... Look how he was crying, does that sound like a 47 year old man to you? The guy who just had sex for the first time (EVER) and experienced his first heartbreak.. The show has been clear that Rudy is supposed to be a complex character who is both young and old. Even though the MC was "scum" in his past life, even that was due to Bullying and Trauma. He stopped "experiencing" life ever since he stopped going to school. He was emotionally stunted, even though he got older, physically, he said he did not even have a conversation with anyone for around 20 years. Basically his life was "paused" since he was a school boy. He has been overly sexual due to the fact that he was a virgin for 40+ years. As Rudy, we see how he is genuinely a kid sometimes, and sometimes he can be mature. That is the complexity that makes this show that much more interesting. People that call him a Pedo, but still sticking with the rest of us, and watching the show says a lot about them. Those people are worse than the MC who is at least trying to improve himself and not making the same mistakes from his past life. Also I think Eris is very distantly related to Rudy. Rudy's Branch is "Notos" while Eris' Branch is "Boreas." That should pretty much tell you that intermarriage between these different Branches of Greyrat House is acceptable, and probably even common, in those days. People trying to criticize the show yet again by calling that incest..... again shows: a) How little they are paying attention b)How ignorant they are on how things worked in that time period (Even in real-life).

Daniel Borrego

rudy is a man. HE sees himself as a man in a childs body. that has been VERY clear from the start. and yes that would make tanya at least bi. ps dont spoil tanya the evil please. season 2 is coming out next year.


Wow, 180 comments at the time of me writing this.. hopefully you all haven't gotten spoiled. It will be so much better to see your reactions to everything that will unfold if it hits you without any warning. Just avoid the comments section entirely if you need to!


A brick wall has better logic than you lmao, i've addressed everything you've said but you just keep going "nah" and keep pushing a point no one with any brain cells would argue. It's my fault for arguing with some stupid ass goofy ass internet wierdo ass nigga tho, won't happen again XD.


I bet everyone who is crying about Rudeus being a pedophile is still going to continue watch the show. Like, gtfoh

Scott Brown

@Christopher Collier Except they literally are that age, and Rudy tried to turn down Eris more than once by reminding her of the promise they made. The anime did this as tastefully as I think was possible, and it was an important scene to include.


Ngl the translation at the end is a bit strange. In the manga the letter said "We aren't well balanced" or something like that. To me that sounded like she believes she's not strong enough and therefore went with Ghislaine to get stronger, might be just me tho... Still agree that it was kinda a bi*ch move tho


that's the manga. The anime adapts the Light Novel not the manga.


We're almost at the end of the second part of a whole season, and people are still complaining about Rudeus' mental age. Why are y'all still watching?? I would think you would stop watching by now if you're so against it!?


I agree with Lupa. What Eris did was utter trash, no matter her excuses. He brought you all the way back home, even though you knew it wasn't going to be a good situation. Then you beg him in the middle of the night, claiming you want a family, then dip? Leaving with Ghislaine, the only person left that he knew. Imagine that in real life. Now both of you are hurting.


Graduation season...ugh. Finally getting to this episode. Ending reminds me of another anime...but even being an anime-only for this one, I think our magical boi will be ok after this.


Lol! Explain everything? Your argument why Rudeus is a pedo is predicated on the idea he is old. I use the same logic assertions on Aang. And you tell me i am wrong because there is no reincarnation in avatar. Nice try, saying you explained everything when the basis why i apply the same logic assertions is reincarnation. I've said this before no matter how different approach each author takes on reincarnation. It is still reincarnation. I am just using same logic to assert a claim that aang is old hence must be pedo as well. And you tell i am wrong? If that's the case then your logic must be wrong if you are so sure that i am wrong.

Daniel Borrego

its not what she did, its how she did it. if she explained to rudy, he would have been hurt, but ok. but they way she did it, he thought she hated him and abandoned him. And she should get a bit of slack. shes a 15 year old girl who's entire family died and a 45 year old guy whos family is all alive.

Lupa is Dadi

These japanese nigas be weird asf sometimes bruh, that shit was mad uncomfortable to watch. at least make them both around the same age no "adult bum from another world in a kids body" bs.

Lupa is Dadi

I would think because it's weird asf. pretty normal to have a reaction like that.

Astor Lefflinker

And yet Japan is one of the safest countries in the world where little girls can safely walk the streets and take the train at night and come home unmolested. And this is reincarnation, not possession. Its being reborn into a whole new person. There's no "adult bum" inside the kids body. Its literally a kid who just happens to retain his memories from his previous life.

Astor Lefflinker

If insulting and judging people for their opinions makes you sleep at night, then sure buddy. Have a great day.


They are distanced relatives but it's not like those relatives that are close in blood and grew up together like rudeus only knew who eris was when he was like 7-8ish


He is not a bum he was a bum now he is a kid that had a job at the age of 7. He retains memories so he is similar but he is not 100% same person anymore it's reincarnation. Rudeus gets affected by his body in the novel and in the anime. Yes he is maybe exactly physical age but he certainly ain't a adult either. Also there was nothing umcomfortable about it it was just a bunch of flashbacks and hand holding and like 1 kiss it was barely sex like I can't believe yall gonna cry about this shit in fiction. If this gets you uncomfortable why are you even at episode 21. You should have been quit SEVERAL EPISODES AGO. Stop being a wuss.


Damn, sounds like someone should have stopped watching a long time ago.


this was great sure the scene would have been a little uncomfortable if we had actually seen it but it was really well done

Daniel Borrego

rem poured out her heart to subaru and he was just like 'ya not interested'. go watch thier reaction. its my favorite reaction on this channel. re:zero episode 18 i believe.

Daniel Borrego

thats such a wierd think for people to think. i thought they did an amazing job developing the relationship between rudy and eris. infact, i think thiers is the most organic one in the series.


@Kryptonyte you're a fucking creep dude, and all the niggas who agree with you need to be put on a watchlist. You sick fucks


@Wendell Marshall so he was just supposed to let her rape him? This is why the fucking show sucks and eris is a trash character. You fans of this show have to be the most disgusting fucks in general to be okay with stupid shit like this. Kill yourself.


@Erd'na you have to be one of the most dense fucks to ever exist to compare Rudy to aang. Please kill yourself and don't breed. The more of you pedo sympathizing fucks get taken out of the gene pool the better.


This show is trash. And All you pedo fucks should jump off a cliff. Sick bastards.


@Wendell Marshall yet you bitch ass losers are crying about these reactors dropping your pedo show lmaooo.


@Jacen Prichard or maybe he could just wait to grow older before having sex? that's a viable option you dumb fuck


@Luna I think it says more about you degenerate pedo fucks. That you watch this garbage.


@Drake Rage so were worse than the fictional pedo? Lmao so much copium. This is why women avoid you anime fans in real life. You really out here writing whole ass essays to defend this bullshit. Its shows just how pathetic the fans of this show are. Kill yourself you degenerate incel fuck


@wavyesper Eris is fucking trash, one of the worst female characters in anime.


Because we want to clown on you bitch ass degenerate fucks that are still watching. That's should be fucking obvious you dumb fuck.


@Daniel Borrego you cant even spell properly dumb fuck. Of course you cant understand why intelligent people would think the relationship between trash ass eris and the pedo rudy fucking sucks.


@TitanMachine if a show has to bend over backwards to show how a relationship is meant to be interpreted then it did a bad job of showing the relationship. No amount bullshit excuses from you retards will change that.


@ggg184 Cool story bro. This comment it like 6 months old, not sure why you are choosing now to have an autistic meltdown in the comments. I read all the LNs. There are sex scenes that are just for fanservice purposes and I can say for certain this isn't one of them.


@Homeskilletbiscuits Because I can comment on what I want, whenever I want you bitch ass faggot. Fuck you. And if you even had a modicum of intelligence you would know that your little pedo relationship and sex scenes that your sucking off in this show are nothing but fanservice. You dumb fuck. But I guess expecting you degenerate wastes of life to have some taste is actually expecting too much.


Lol you talk about intelligence but I'm not the one shitting my pants over a tv show. Rage harder kid, it's entertaining for me. I'm getting a good laugh over here reading your replies.


@Homeskilletbiscuits whatever you say faggot. Keep jerking it to your pedo anime loser. Also what makes you think some sorry excuse for a human being like you could make me rage? Try again pussy. I enjoy talking down to you worthless fucks lol


@Homeskilletbiscuits I bet its not as much of of a disappointment as what your parents felt when they had your pathetic ass lol. Are you really that starved for my dick? Your really out here refreshing the page for me like a bitch in heat lmao. Keep dancing for me bitch lmaooo


You basicly tried to reverse uno and copy my response about getting baited. Who's dancing for who?


@Homeskilletbiscuits who would bother trying to copy some down syndrome hasbin fuck like you? keep dancing for me little bitch lmao


Says the guy who encourages mass suicide. It's ok, we don't want you here either. Fuckin disgrace


@AcolorfulZebra I encourage mass suicide?? Thats an absolute dub xD


@AcolorfulZebra yeah you pedo fucks should end yourselves. Cry about it you little bitch lmao. Also I never said I wanted to be here dumb fuck. I just enjoy clowning on you dumbass losers lmao


@ggg184 where’d you find this edgy personality was it from Anime twitter lmao


@AniMe_MiLFshAkE nope, I found it while I was balls deep in your mother. So show me some proper respect fuckboi. I could be your father.


@ggg184 bro you peaked at birth, seems like you haven't developed any new brain cells since


@Kero Did your mother write that down for you ol pussy ass fuckboi. Its funny how the weeb degenerate pedo sympathizer is trying to question my intelligence. Go back to chewing on some crowns dipshit.


shut yo ass up if you don't like the show don't watch it clowns like think they hot shit no your just another one of the dumbasses who hate on this show


@MEGApuff gamer You should change your name to MEGAHUFF gamer cause you seem like the type to huff glue you ol pussy ass bitch boi. Fuck you. We can hate on anything we want. Keep jerking your lil dick to this pedo ass trash anime.


@Donovan Doyle, this is also probably the only interaction you get in your mediocre life. Of course a pedo bitch like you, would like this shit anime lmao

by chances

you can't act like you don't care when you've replied back to everyone disagreed with your comment 😂

Lupa is Dadi

Like you said it was MY comment. And 3 replies isn’t everyone. don’t get mad at me because you get off on this shit get mad at yourself for being a degenerate


@by chances Okay? Yet your bitch ass is still seething because were calling out how weird and trash this anime is. You really trying to act like you got the high ground. Gtfo you clown.


SPOILER hes both the technique god and demon god he has 2 halfs

The Force

"That was actual trash" Agreed, but also man imagine that, a 15 year old girl finding out her entire close family is dead, then making bad decisions left and right. God grow up already right? xD


@The Force Okay and? Eris is still trash for that. Stop trying to defend her you, You cuck.


@Daniel Borrego stop making excuses for her you bitch ass punk. Eris is trash. And will always be trash.


It’s crazy how many of y’all here are complaining about the stupidest shit in an anime.🤦🏾‍♂️


@Julius Its crazy that dumb fucks like you don't realize that just because its anime doesn't excuse the weird shit. We can still have our opinions and think its trash 🤡


Then stop watching it, you emotional crybaby.🤣


@Julius Who says I'm watching it you dumb bitch lol Im just here to clown on you pedo coomer fucks. So keep on entertaining me fuck boi 🤣


Alright, so you’re just bitching for no reason. I gotchu.


@Julius Nope I already told you the reason dumb fuck. You just cant read lol


Didn’t realize you also couldn’t read between the lines.😂


@Julius Shut your stupid ass up. You don't even know what your saying 😂 Stop clowning yourself dummy 🤡


This is truly what happens every time I argue with an idiot. So yeah, I’ll stop talking to you.


@Julius Think I give a fuck bitch, lmao. The pseudo intellectual coomer weeb bitch who thinks there smart wont talk to me anymore. I'm so sad now..... 😪😂 I'm fine with not wasting anymore of my time talking with idiots like you lol


ddg, go cry some more about a cartoon you weird fuck.


I won't be replying to any of your garbage ass responses but you need to grow a pair if this show is "weird" for you in any sense or way because at the end of the day it's a drawn cartoon and you shouldn't really give a fuck about what happens in it unless you're a shut-in weeb pussy with no attachment to real life, go get a pair. ddg.


@Savage You are replying still tho, you inept retard fuck. little cuck bitch boi is mad that I'm criticizing his pedo grooming show. Stay mad about it bitch. Take your own advice about growing a pair. Tho with your lack of actual testroene. That will be a huge problem for you. You ugly ass neckbeard fuck. You bitch ass tensei fans really get mad in your feelings. Because you connect with rudeus. "imagine being that pathetic in real life. You incel weeb fucks should really go drink some bleach. Also imagine the irony of you crying and bitching about valid criticism of this trash show and you being pressed about that while hugging my nuts. Get a life you dumb fuck lol


@Savage Keep crying about my responses you pussy ass bitch. You should change your actual name from "Savage" To pussy, its suits you much better. Keep malding and stroking your little dick to your nonexistent waifu. You beta loser coomer fuck


@Savage also keep liking your own responses you little pathetic maggot fuck lol


@Shawn Oxley, naw bitch. Its you pedo defending dudes that need to be talked to.

danial javady

The whole point is that you're supposed to be disgusted with him at the start. Its a story of a second chance at life....


@danial javady Doesent matter, rudeus is still trash. And its not like him being a pedo is actually addressed in a meaningful way. in fact he actually gets rewarded for it.