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The level ups begin!



Revival Party: when one uses max revives in order to beat a stronger pokemon trainer.


I loved: Shiggy and the boys. Sounds like a weird band.


Lets fucking Gooooooooooooooooooo


Roshi I saw that sideeye you gave lupa 🙂


Lupa was not expecting the villains to kill. I guess when we’ve been watching heroes and their non lethal takedowns, it makes you forget that some villains will just casually kill.

Earphone Jack

I really enjoyed this episode! Toga and Curious were the best parts!


decay woul,d be a good rescue quirk for collabsing buildings etc

Branden Jenkins

Ice Climber watched a lot of Bleach😂


It sucks that they've cut so much context from the start of MVA, and I wish it wasn't crammed in at the end of the season, but this episode was actually great. If it keeps up this level of quality I'll be happy with how MVA was treated.


At this point I would just rather take the new OST's specifically made for MVA and listen to them while reading the manga. This episode just confirmed the huge lack of animation and yuki hayashi literally made A SPECIFIC OST for the girl journalist (forgot her name) and the soundtrack is called Mine Woman. It fits her fucking perfectly and it wasn't used. So cutting shit out. rushing everything, fucking slideshows, and not using OSTs made for specific scenes. Literally studio bones continues to be slacking this season. I love MHA and it all the more frustrates me that a top tier arc in manga is being dealt like shit. If it weren't for my love for MHA I wouldn't be keeping up weekly. Fuck those stupid ass movies. If you have checked out the scenes for the movie you know they used movie budget and used the seasons budget on top of that cause it is night and day in terms of quality. EDIT: I want to clarify this episode was actually pretty good and my expectations aren't sky high. I just wanted a little different and a little better based on MHA standards in the prior seasons. So by all means enjoy this episode I just expected different.


It barely passes a level of quality set from what studio bones should be doing. You didn't notice the cuts to the still shots that they used to not have to do animation? That was abundant in this episode. Plus yuki hayashi made amazing soundtracks for this arc and they aren't being used properly. Literally had an OST called Mine Woman that was a lowkey banger and they didn't use it for the journalist woman who it was specifically made for. Although it was still a good episode for what it was. Just my opinion on it.


I agree with you were I think they shouldn’t be doing movies and the season at the same time because the season would obviously suffer. However , I heard that apparently MVA wasn’t as popular in Japan than the actual 1A v 1B arc so that’s why they put more effort there than here. I could be wrong but as an anime only I can’t relate to what y’all going through.


Damn, really wish they had cut all the unnecessarily repeated flashbacks and opened up some more space to properly explore this arc. Some of this stuff felt too rushed or glossed over


That side eye when lupa was talking about bringing stain back into the story lol


The my hero ones justice games also spoil how togas quirk works, which is unfortunate for those who only watch the anime, when the games first came out.


Shigaraki talks like hes lowkey a gamer lol. I wonder if that holds any important significance to his character

Earphone Jack

Lupa's reaction the whole video had me dying! LOL!


I mean it's kinda similar to Thirteen's blackhole quirk. Maybe not as controlled but still could be useful if Shiggy didnt just aoe spam lol.

Devin B

I think it has something to do with his mentality cause even earlier in the show people described him as being childlike.


They're butchering this adaptation. Low tier season.


If he learned how to control his decay properly he could've been a damn good hero honestly. Toga on the other hand didn't have a chance dude she was fucked from the start. You would think there is no way she could be a hero with that ability but there a definitely multiple uses for it


lupa must've really not been paying attention early on when hawks met that guy and slid n go together and plus he even said that their heroes who are apart of it. Clapppped.


Right?! When I read the manga I recall Toga and Shigaraki's flashback and pop moments left me absolutely speechless. This left me feeling empty not gonna lie. Hopefully they get their shit together cause a lot more crazy shit happens that I don't want to see get butchered.


I love this but right now MHA is getting The Promised Neverland treatment. They didn't cut out an entire arc like they did but they left out a bunch of important context and that is just as bad honestly

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

Even tho I read the manga over a month ago and if they skipped some stuff the that’s fine cuz I don’t remember what I read I just remember a few bits of stuff so I’m not really upset. I think it’s good


I heard they skipped the first part of this arc cause it was to brutal for the mid day time slot, which is fine. But why are they going so damn fast😂 and they did shigaraki backstory and re destros intro foul asf


They aren't finished with Shigaraki's backstory. I believe it will go more into detailed in ep 24.


Now, the toga scene in the manga was absolutely chilling when i read it but here? It feels so lacking in the terror department and it doesn't implement that feeling of "holy shit this character is actually fuckin evil" feeling. The manga gives off that ominous dreadful atmosphere and that is what this season is lacking (imo). I didn't get goosebumps like did when I read it but it was still fuckin insane.


Assuming you’re talking about Toga’s transformation quirk in the game, it doesn’t really spoil that she can use other’s quirks. While transformed the quirk buttons can only call support, the fact that the melee combos and armor moves that some characters use incorporate their quirk doesn’t really spoil it since the main idea is that the actual quirk buttons aren’t usable. It’s like how Aizawa can stop someone from using their quirk but if their regular combos involve their quirk it would still be available to them despite Aizawa cancelling the actual quirk buttons.

Dougie Fresh

So much skipped content in the name of conservative Japanese, WELL DONT PICK UP THE SHOW IF YOURE NOT GONNA BE FAITHFUL


shigaraki can now literally wave his hands and thanos people. Scary AF

Mob K.O.

dude shut up and only read manga there plenty anime that cut stuff from manga

Jonathan Acosta

Tbh, like it felt as if they were trying to get us to sympathize with her in this scene, and I’m not sure I liked that considering they already did a pretty good job at convincing us she is a psychopath and past any type if redemption LMAOOOO

Mob K.O.

no fan base like a mha fan base just whine and cry about everything 😂😂😂

Ted Cali

Oh no! Toga is fighting for her life, she's even getting a flashback! This is tense! Oh right, except we've had like 3 episodes set in the future that show all of these villains fine and chilling. And yet people in these comments will still argue that it's not a big deal or a spoiler that they switched the arcs and showed those scenes before these fights. Fucking mystery of all mysteries how these battles will turn out...


Nah, if she had allies who would willingly give her their blood, she could have a wide range of powers at her disposal. And if she worked on it, I could see getting a power up in being able to turn *part* of herself into the other person ie turning just her hands into Ochako's. Decay doesn't do reversible damage though, so idk how he could use it in a fight tbh (and if AfO was involved in giving him the quirk, that was probably intentional)


mr compress got his arm back from chisaki (clap me if I am wrong)

Elvis F Tejera

I think he just attached Chidaki's arm that he stole from him. At least in the manga he says that it still takes a while for him to get used to this new "arm" during this arc.


yall saw how roshi looked at lupa when he mentioned stain


6:35 Lysol-Man, the Hero we needed in 2021.


The "twist" in her fight isn't that she survives, it's that she can use the quirks of whoever she's imitating now. Which was not spoiled.


I'm not even gonnna bullshit you, this episode had some of the most terrible writing I've seen in a hot minute

Jeff TK

Everyone who knows what happens in the Comments "THEY'RE DOING IT WRONG!" Me who knows next to nothing about the story "THIS SHIT IS AWESOME!"


“I got something for yo ass *tshh* tshh* “ shit had me fucking weak😂😂


Twice is highkey one of the best character in this show


That look Roshi gave lupa guess stain coming bck soon Lol


Had to pause just to comment “when you play Minesweeper for the first time” 😆 Lupa kills me

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

How did they know that she can use others quirk she couldn't do that till now.


Was that hero @ 3:25 Spawn ? Sure did look like him


Y’all manga readers mad annoying in these comments, we know it’s not exactly like the manga but most of us are enjoying the anime. Please calm down…


Yea this episode covered like 6-7 chapters they are speeding through this arc. I guess MVA is taboo in terms of storytelling to JP audiences.


It’s alright but it could have been better this szn is in a weird place right now.

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

Honestly tho. It’s making hate that manga exist. If anime started out just anime only people wouldn’t complain about the difference in the manga or anime.

Otter Mane

I feel like a hero Shigaraki would be a support type. He could go on rescue missions and Decay a building or rubble that fell on ppl with the right precision training


People who read the Manga complain for every single show in the comments. Us anime only watchers thought this was fire 🔥 I definitely noticed the first time Shigaraki did that, and was shocked. I don't know how they missed that.


Yo please check the time @916-917 is that deku ?

Wilbert Gauna

See i caved after last week episode and started reading the manga from last episode on almost up to 300. And WOW. I can def see the disappointment. The manga SPOILS YOU. like SPOILS YOU. I really never knew why manga readers were so mad till now. Specific animations do panels great but most are just not on the same level. I feel like if we didn't get a movie it wouldve been better.


Yeah they gotta stop with the whole movie thing. They ruined a lot of the last season with the Overhaul arc because of the movie.


HAVE THEY SEEN BLEACH?? If not can yall react to that?


Man the durability for people in this show is pretty whack. How can certain people get smashed through buildings without a strength quirk be fine but toga drops some fools from the air and they turn into pancakes


cause they weren't important characters, its anime logic bro.

Lupa is Dadi

Thumbnail got me acting up 👀


these animators legit gave shigaraki 2 stills


there was 7 ADs on this episode, relx the schedule was the tightest its ever been on this episode

Alrick Campbell

Shiggy Turned into one touch man


"Another flashback..." thats me right there when i am watching Naruto


Lmao the fact that sheera and roshi said “yes” when luupa asked if she could copy their quirks or not. Roshi said it cus he knows she can but couldnt remember if that a spoiler knowledge. And sheera said it cus as always wanted to be the smartass of the room and followed roshi’s answer lmaoooooo


was the part when Roshi said "support item" a little spoiler?


So the way Roshi looked at Lupa after he said the thing about Stain makes me think Stain does comeback

Joshua Curry

"Who could you be a hero with a quirk (decay) like that?" Cat Noir would like to have a word.

Joshua Curry

Watered down Killer Queen

Chef MellowD

Put your hand on your face like shigaraki and tell me thats not weird. That’s when he’s most comfortable. I can’t remember the last time i let someone put their WHOLE PALM on my forehead.