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The Todoroki household in shambles



Let’s goooooo

Damion Middleton

Ah yes, been waiting for this 🙌🏾


Its only like 20 chapters. 8 episodes should be enough as long as they animate at least 2.5-3 chapters per ep

Devin B

Even before he became number one he already had a high crime resolution rate so this is just the usual for him.

cyrus gudino

This is why endeavor is such an amazing character, he is an asshole for doing what he did to his family, and he’s accepted it. He’s not in denial or lying to himself or pretending it didn’t happen, he fully accepted it. That’s why him trying to atone is so genuine. I understand that there are many that hate him and I completely understand why cuz what he did was honestly evil, but I don’t think people should ignore that he is trying his best. It may take a while for him to fully atone, and who knows he might not even be able to fully atone cuz of how much trauma he caused. But what matters is that my guy is trying.


My flashback Academia XD The amount of flashbacks and only adapting 1 chapter the anime is really running w/ a weird formula.


Bro the end credits is some arkham level bullshit. How the cops just release this obvious villain, who still basically in costume btw, and just expect nothing to happen. Thats wiiiiiiiiiild😭😂


I can't help but appreciate so much how hard Endeavor is trying to be better, when he knows it's a very very long road to redemption, riddled with speed bumps and potholes. You can tell he really regrets what he's done, and knows that it can't be undone and he has to live with it.


So random but i miss all might so much :' (


Idk if you're a manga reader, but he was released because he'd served his prison sentence- and I guess only had what he was wearing when he was arrested to wear.

Malcolm Hughes

Felt like Lupa had something else to say towards the end of the episode *wink* iykyk


I'm glad this show handles this sort of situation well. Yeah Endeavor is trying his best but that doesn't mean everyone has to just accept him because of that. Things need to be on their terms and Natsu still being pissed is very realistic. Everyone heals at their own pace and just because the sister is ready doesnt mean he is. Shoto is barely dipping his feet in the water and having the different ranges of acceptance is cool


It actually really fits with his whole thing of being half hot and half cold.


Toya... does he?? Nah couldn't be.


He legit sat there looked and started dying inside.

The Truth

It’s a good thing that both Natsu and endeavor were able to here that, it was the dinning room


I just realised that Natuo's VA is the same as Takemichi's, therefore I understand why Natsuo is such a crybaby 💀


Natsuo's shirt is kind of continuing a running gag- Deku has a bunch of t-shirts that have things like 'polo shirt' 't-shirt' and 'sweater' written in Japanese on them, so Natsuo upped the ante with an even more pointlessly descriptive shirt, but in English


is dabi toya


His father hasn't mysteriously disappeared. As far as we now, he's an average Japanese salaryman who's had to move away for work. It's quite common in Japan


I think these flashbacks of Endeavor are absolutely necessary. It’s hard to believe, but people forget (from what I’ve noticed in some comments) how much of a piece of shit he was, because it’s overwhelmed by how awesome he is & that he’s trying to make amends. I don’t care how great a person or what great hero my dad is, if he were to put my mom through the crap Shoto’s mom’s been, I would never forgive him. Shotos a better man than I


Is there anyway to re-enable casting? I used to be able to cast to TV but not anymore.


I mean we haven’t really seen him cry or whine. Only lash out when Endeavor’s around. Not really a great comparison

Dous Dous

I wish they included the part where she poured it and then tried to ice the wound which, probably is what made the scar since that side should be able to handle intense heat but icing it probably cause more of a freezer burn


I feel like Lupa wanted to say something about Toya but they cut it out or he decided to leave it...

Revstarallstar .

Why did you skip the end, it made it seem like we missed out on something.


I’m so upset. My dog just died. Hopefully this helps me feel better.


I'm sorry homie. I know the feeling, it's really rough


Skipping the "My Villian Academia" arc was such a weird decision. It makes this season really weak as a manga reader.


They're switching the arcs around, not skipping it. But yea it feels weird. Makes the pace feel really off. Hopefully they still do justice to MVA at the end of the season


They're becoming way more compassionate about characters trauma since finishing Korra. Roshi not laughing at Shoto, not roasting Alucard, that's some character development 😂 I could even see Roshi changing his mind on Cyborg.


if im right i came to the same realisation as lupa about toya since hes got white hair and the villian from first episode who destroyed the buildings has white hair🤔?


is it me or Toya looks like the villian from first episode who destroyed the buildings with white hair🤔?


I love this running gag so much idk why but it just always makes me laugh. I want some of these shirts

Waka Flocka Flame

Am I trippin or does Toya look like Dabi with white hair? His face structure looks the same or similar and his eyes are blue as well. Interesting, very interesting


Whatever happened to Cobra Kai reactions I thought they was finna react to cobra Kai


Are they dropping tonight ??


I'm mad. They made Burnin less curvy than what she was in the Manga.


if u have an i phone u can screen mirror it i do not know about other phones


No upload ? :(


how much yall think endeavor benches? dude acting like his quirk is super strength


any bungou upload?


SAO? Bungou ? Anything?



Eli Kisamo

I'm sorry Todoroki but your sister can GET IT.

Austin Yun

“Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a man in the process of changing.”