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No fun, just pain


Deric Jackson

they spoke too soon omg


Here comes the onion cutting ninjas




Glad these are out early! Now I don't gotta wait and my food is almost here. Nice.


they talking at the start killed me

Antonio Bacon

Roshi: i love march so much man Roshi 5mins later: Niggas die everyday b


"I love that little girl so much" yea I know this gonna hurt


March is definitely best girl in this series.


Props to whoever scored this show, because the music always hits, and the scene where fushi reaches out in March's place to stop ol girl from killing herself really hit me for some reason.


March was truly best girl. I loved her so much. She was a perfect mother for Fushi.


Pain has arrived, and Roshi team learned this journey is everything happy, sad, angry...journey of life with a immortal being.


the paaaain!


This show just clapped all three of you. "Adventures of Fushi and March"? No, this is Game of Thrones.


Damn, roshi you had the same reaction I did when I watched this episode. "This is bullshit" I refused to believe she was actually going to die. Anyway, To Your Pain does it again.


Dang, I cried like I hadn't watched this before.


Second time watching it still crying like first time

Alex Omega

So much PAIN...SO MUCH!!!


Kawasaki Ryou! A young guy who doesn't have very many anime scores under his belt but is talented nonetheless.

Devin B

For real. At least she got to be a mom/grown up for Fushi before dying.


Despair: The Anime


Nah he said they get shot everyday, cause he thought a toddler would be able to take a arrow shot and survive with no medical equipment anywhere near her 😅


Sheera was going through it this episode


bro the first two minutes they thought March was in the clear lmao


btw the girl at the end was already up because in the previous episodes they said that it takes months to travel back there so she had plenty of time to rest. In fact if you noticed marchs body is decomposed when it gives it to the mother, probably only bones are left.

Immoral Mortal

The voice acting for march yelling at her sister is sooo good

Vincent S Deluca

Dont let this show trick you into thinking its some wholesome adventure, all that awaits is depression, Beautiful depression but depression none the less


i wasnt expecting to cry rn💀💀


All i gotta say is dont be sad

Quaylan Nelson

Man, this one hurt guys. I cried too, but just know it won't always be sad times.

Big Juls

aw sheera, man this ep got me ugly crying lol

Faiz Khan

y'all weren't lying l was expecting it too now this the pain l've been wanting


Like, the bear is dead, it really shouldn't fucking matter if its head is cut off. That scene was so dumb and frustrating. The DEAD and lifeless bear isn't gonna give two shits. Smh. Absolutely naive. Technically they would still need it btw, to show that it's DEAD and gone. Having Fushi transform into it doesn't do shit except scare ppl. Then they had to hit us with the sadness after that and then I was just like.... "Well..... fuck." Pretty sure there were a number of other ways that could've gone down and March would've survived in all of them, but this series is hell-bent on breaking hearts.


It wasn't that quick that Hayase came back. Time has passed since we saw her on the ground bloody.


I didn't even realize I was crying... Have never watched this anime, I'm experiencing it with you guys and this broke me


Fuck man this one got me bawling didnt see that afterlife part coming and i just broke.


They childish for showing us March grown up. I remember reading this in the manga. Had to take 3 month break after 😭

Damion Middleton

This EP reminds me of Violet Evergarden EP 11. Tears just kept flowing.


Yea, this episode got me in tears when first watching it. I really had to hold back on this re-watch.


Bruh the start of the episode... "I love that little girl so much" "yeah she's so cute" "I'm glad nothing dark happened I thought they were gonna kill her off"

L Jeans

well in japanese culture the grave and respecting the physical body of the dead is very important

Storm Blade

im not trying to ruin your fun but from that context you can tell she was killed off. if u have a little bit of common sense this is a spoiler. please be careful next time

Maxis Holst

Aw gawd are those tears…. Fuk

Mikal Adkins

Man, why did I convince myself to give this series a try.


Damn, To Your Eternity hits hard.


This is tied with Violet Evergarden ep 10 on an ep that made me cry the most

Don Keedick

Fushi is literally the death of anyone who he comes into contact with. So if you see a wolf transform into a person run the opposite direction cause your time on earth will run out and this thing will transform into you after you get clapped.