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please watch dororo after this. They're fairly similar


Correct me if im wrong but I think that is an upcoming show.


Lupa got clapped in the anime instead of the comments (about the hunters).


Lmao why do ppl get so confused when she walks past Fushi.... it's like ppl never heard of a double take.


I feel it was done kind of weirdly? I thought the scene was just strange the first time I saw it

aroha ?

LMAOOOO help the bear I’m weak asf 😭😭 cuz that bitch gone neeeeeeddd it


The bear is like Alucard's sword or Trevor's whip. It is exactly as big as it needs to be for that specific scene.


LOL that snowpiercer reference poor captain america


Not complaining but I do kind of wish you all would pay a little more attention to the series instead of chatting about random things that barely relate to the show. Sheera used to pay attention really well but it seems like a lot of the time I see some reactions she tries to force more jokes than necessary. I get it try to bring some content and not just watch it but it doesn't feel natural at some points. Kind of disappointed me when she brought up jokes about sex during a more serious moment in the last episode and it ruined the moment. Just try and take this series a little more seriously guys but still be yourselves. That's all I can really ask I guess.

Trevor Wingard

The name "Oniguma" just means Demon Bear so somebody at sometime must have seen it to know that a giant ass bear was roaming around.


the show is amazing, if possible can you try out at least one episode in dub. If not thats fine, i just want you to see what they sound like. Its really good


This anime is bussin


LITTERALY everyone was confused when fushi walked in xD


"Why do you believe in it, you haven't even seen it." That's how gods work. Has anyone ever seen god? If a dude came across panicking and said "aye yo gods chillin around that corner, go look" everyone would react like that. Like it's not supposed to be a real thing you can see no?


Starts with “not complaining” but then complains. I don’t “force” any jokes. I vibe with their energy. And most serious scenes I don’t joke at all so don’t take something that rarely happens and pretend like it happens all of the time. I joke about sex and say vulgar things all of the time and usually not during serious moments. You must not watch our streams LOL. Telling me to be a different way that you would approve of is literally telling me to be something other than myself. Very contradictory. I am reacting the way that I always have…


yeah with the bear it was probably something passed down for generations to generation thing. and since they been sacrificing kids at certain time of the year so they would probably never run into the bear. They just go back and collect the bones next time they do the sacrifice. The bear probably doesn't even kill the kids they might die from starvations since they're drudged and tied on the table left to die anyways. well that's what I think


Roshi: "you get two, that's it" LMAOOO


Wolf's rain confirmed xD

Kristian Thaler

I legit thought "How the hell would Dwayne Johnson help in this moment?"


ngl, i thought of him too, took me a bit to remember he started as a literal rock XD