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I was right!


Bushido Black

This has nothing to do with the reaction, but have they seen Black Lagoon? I think they would like that show.



Oh no, it's actually true. That's his younger sister.


There was an after credit last ep that introduced Akutagawa and Higuchi. so some eps do have after credits.

cooluno 9

Roshi with the roshinnigan


ep 2 td or not yet?

Lupa is Dadi

Spoilers bruh, they haven't seen the show


Is this show uploaded every Tuesday?


Yoshi got it at first guess my dude...... could have gotten the 70 grand reward hahaha! Im so glad all of you are enjoying the series as much as im enjoying this reaction. Cant wait for more!!!

Lupa is Dadi

Same flash back every 5 mins 😂

Jaime Adam

I need more


Roshi, Lupa! How obvious does the show need to make it for you? The 2 niggas are siblings!!!!


a little fun fact: the real Dazai Osamu tried to commit a "double suicide" with women several times! if i remember correctly, the first attempt was a failed drowning (his wife died but he didnt) the second wife was sleeping pills (they both lived, he divorced her after) and on the third attempt both him and his new wife died by drowning in a river


they. are. related

Josh ?

Will there be a second episode?


Btw, will you drop episode 4 today? or one today and the next tomorrow


Magi or Talentless Nana!

Big Daddy Dre

There has to be another episode coming tonight!


Also, for people saying they're siblings/related. Are they really? I thought they were too but someone in the comments said "they aren't actually siblings. They are based off from the book by Tanizaki called Naomi. In this novel, there are two lovers who pretend to be siblings so they can live together. So, in this show they act as siblings as a nod to the original novel written by the actual Tanizaki".


episode 4?

Austin S

this honestly made me wanna watch this whole series again this and dorohedoro I can't waitttt

Jdogzero Silverblade

dazai is the god of this show. funny broken and no one with an ability can beat him at all.

Jdogzero Silverblade

so you normally do 2 episode uploads. what happened to the 4th? did i miss a message or something

Leaky Peach

Ah. That makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up! I didn't care about the wincest humor, but it makes much more sense that they're lovers with a sibling fetish!


As someone who actually read the book, that's not true at all. In the book, Naomi is fifteen years old and moves into the main character's house and their whole relationship goes from student to lover. Everyone around them knew they were together, so it was never once defined as siblings. It was only later she started lying to other guys about them so she could be in multiple relationships. As for Tanizaki and Naomi in the anime, it was never clarified if they're blood related or just adopted but they do remind you a lot in the manga that they're siblings.


Plsss another ep plsssss


I read a quick summary of the Naomi book and it is explained that Naomi was sexually aggressive, similar to the Naomi in this show, so they are definitely trying to portray Tanizaki's Naomi in the show. As to their relationship, I will just see them as lovers instead of siblings. Since you've read the book and from the summary I read, the word "sibling" is not mentioned regarding Joji/Naomi relationship, I guess they were just lovers. I am curious tho, in what ways did Naomi lie to get with other guys? I might actually read the book now tbh

Faiz Khan

you can definitely tell this anime is more catering to fujoshi's with the fan service at times lol

Leaky Peach

That's one of my few gripes with this series: it overuses flashbacks.

Marco Ortega

Better give my man Roshi his 700,000 yen reward!


Run where lol to the wall


Yo I noticed that Akutagawa's name is also Ryuunosuke, same as Caster's master. Whole scumbags. lol


They are related!! yes they are based on lovers who acted as siblings but in the show they are related (this is according to wiki) and they live together

None None

Here's an excerpt from her pixiv character profile: その衆人環視を気にしない如何わしい過剰な接触に加え、外見が全く似ていないことから、本当に実の兄妹かと疑われているが、社の暗黙のルールで「深く追求してはいけない」ことになっている。 It basically says "it's suspected they're not actually siblings because they look nothing alike, but due to the company's 'don't pry deeply into things' rule, it's never addressed". So even Japanese fans who have access to all of the source material agree that their relationship is ambiguous.

None None

I've been poking around Japanese sites a bit and whether or not they're actually siblings is something they discuss a lot, too. I'm pretty sure it's intentionally kept ambiguous. Don't take English Wikipedia as a source.


He recalled incorrectly. Tanya was a Tuesday/Wednesday show, not Wed/Thurs. Ep 4 should be later today.

Leaky Peach

I wouldn't base an answer on the credibility of the wiki. Since it's edited by the community and is not actually official, anything gained from there is mutable and therefore unreliable. Honestly, I prefer the ambiguous nature of their relationship. There are moments where they clearly seem to be lovers (i.e. the handjob and blowjob in this episode), and there are moments where even villains who've researched them address them as siblings (i.e. spoilers). So, it's up to the audience, I guess.


You should definitely read it! It was pretty entertaining and it gives you insight on how some Japanese people viewed Westerners in the past. As for how Naomi lied, it wasn't actually anything that important, because the guys she was talking to didn't really care if she was cheating or not. But I won't spoil anymore if you're gonna read it.


"I can handle this!" as she is literally being strangled to death 3 seconds ago


Whats with the Japanese and wanting to smash their sisters jesus lol

Alejandro Rodriguez

Yo apparently the Sheeragan can be sexually transmitted lmao


Damn Sheera where is the kid supposed to run🤔 He's in a narrow ass hallway and they got friggin' machine guns and gifts 😂


It’s for the dumb people who even after flashbacks constantly forget things and are like "what?" It’s better it does that tbh.


They literally have the same last name tho


If you think that’s bad stay away from the nsfw side of Quora 💀