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This writing is RIDICULOUS! Sheera is today's reaction champ, memory on 5000 lol



Let’s gooooo

Nicole Guerrero

gabi almost getting her head bitten off by that horse was my favorite part of this episode


Lmao Mangekyo sheeragan was on 200% efficiency today

Alex Omega

Lupa was finally defeated by Roshi. Well played!!!


Karma at work! Gotta love it. That horse looked pissed, it must've picked up the "I killed Sasha" murderous vibes from her. Every part of its instinct was setting off alarms and it's like, "GTFO BITCH *chomp*"

Bona Fide

I hardly comment these days but thank you for the early upload yessirr


The horse had “Fuck Gabi” playing on repeat


When isn’t Sheera the goat like honestly? She might have the founding Titan for all we know lmao


It's not an attachment to duty, it's an attachment to being a lapdog for her oppressors. Imagine being so brainwashed you just hate yourself because you're told to. Also it's kinda funny, I don't really consider Zeke a traitor. He's being faithful to his people. Imo the real traitors are the Eldians who are okay with being brainwashed, hating themselves, and worshipping their oppressors.


Did you guys recognize that the family that took them in were Sasha's parents, they caring for the person who killed their daughter.


the shield 😭


They were also eating at Sasha's family house.


I'm pretty sure that was the house of sasha's dad that they got shelter from


My man got PTSD from Lupa hitting him so much.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Attack on Titan giving advice about responsibility of descendants for the mistakes of the old mentality and how it's all bs.


I'm shocked y'all didn't react to Sasha's father who we just saw last week. I remembered the Sasha bit too, with her and protecting the girl. I remember that scene was intense.

Kendall Gresham

I love how it came full circle. How does it feel Gabi? The person that told you like it is was the person that was saved by the person you killed. I wanted ole girl to slap Gabi but I guess gettin attacked by a horse will do.


This nigga roshi thought he was naofumi in the intro wit that shield

Alex Omega

Gabi is holding that fucking L big time. Man I hate her so much.


The family that took care of Gabi and falco was sashes parents if you look more into detail of their family name! Also im just assuming the horse did that to Gabi because her hair really looks very similar to sasha and the horse thought it was Sasha maybe.


is it just me or the animations in this show is getting better

Kalib Holland

You have to think about it though. The people in Marley see the attack they did on Paradis as revenge for the oppression of Eldia. That's why none of them see it as wrong.

Daniel Turner

Looks like they forgot sasha’s last name


Sheera too clutch

Matthew Daniel Griffiths

From what I gather I think it’s the same horse that did it to one of the Levi squad back in season 1, but I could be wrong


Roshi the new shield hero lol


Gabi that one slave on her way to becoming the Head House Nigga.


I get where gabby is coming from. Outside of the brainwashing she’s literally just trying to protect her people....just like eren


i just realized what the cliffhanger for ep 16 is gonna be and I'm not prepared


Can't believe they had 6 episodes left in the final season and they wasted one on Gabi.

Big Daddy Dre

Bruh they showed that girl like 3 episodes ago with sasha parents 😂😂

Norrin Radd

Sheera is always the reaction champ.

RavinFox .

Yo, I didn't know this was a Shield Hero reaction too! Heck, everyone was on point. Roshi with the shield, Lupa on the info screen, and Sheera with the callback. Crazy how that mini Titan moment came back.


Lol remembered something from season 2 but forgot a person from like 1-2 episodes ago, good reaction guys keep it up =)

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

It was more the fated irony of it all. Not like Gabi knew Sasha or her connection to the girl to make the correlation.

Mr. Toastman

I was wondering why there was no reaction to "Braus Stables" lmao


Isnt that guy Gabi and Falco are staying with Sasha's dad?

Vensen Granville

To be clear that was sasha parents as well


nah they gonna have a part 2 like they did with the third season. Because no way they fitting 28 more chapters in 6 episodes. And the manga isn't even over yet


The irony about that, and this is why I love Isayama, is that Marley is literally doing the same thing they punish, oppress, and hate the modern Eldians for. They’re using the power of the Titans they have with the Warrior unit to war and conquer other countries. It’s all just a circle of hate


I wish you guys would react to mushoku tensei.... Although you might not be able to handle the maturity levels of it. Oh well. No reactions on sundays I guess. AOT is dropped and gone for me.

J. J.

Yo Lupa that was the fastest catch ever LOL Roshi was about to go off on a tangent

Viela Guay

I do love how people can accept that her mom didn't do anything to deserve being killed, but then give Eren leeway even though he also involved innocent civilians who never set foot in Paradis once or made any political decisions regarding the invasion. Favoritism go brrr and dooms humanity to its loops

Jay rellim

no it's not that she's never been treated like a regular child it's just that she hates these ppl so much lol like imagine having dinner with the ppl you associate with killing your family and all the turmoil marleyan eldian's suffer. falco got common sense so he can play the part but gabi cant even hide her fear and hatred


What I love about the conversation that Gabi had with Kaya (Sasha's little sister) is that it doesn't just apply to Kaya's mother, but directly to Gabi herself. Her whole life operates under the idea that she, solely because she was born Eldian, must bear the weight of the atrocities of Fritz's empire. That's why she has to suffer in the internment zone, that's why she has to lose her autonomy before she's ten and become Marley's trained killer, that's why she feels she has to "prove" the worth of her race. In her mind, that separates "good Eldians" from the Paradis devils: while Gabi and Falco and the warriors "atone" for the sins of their ancestors by fighting for Marley, the "devils," to her, ran away from that responsibility. That's why she's especially irritated that Kaya doesn't know the history she's referring to. She's thinking, "I've lived my whole life trying to make this right and you don't even know about it?" But with a few simple, repeated words, Kaya confronts Gabi with the reality that her situation makes *no* sense. Kaya's mother didn't directly contribute to Eldia's tyranny, or contribute to the siege on Liberio, so *of course* she shouldn't pay with her life for it. In the same way, Gabi didn't contribute to what happened 100 years ago, so *of course* she and Falco shouldn't have to dedicate their lives as Marley's trained dogs. This is the first time that Gabi's come face to face with the fact that the main tenet around which she lives her life and justifies her awful situation (to the point where she doesn't even realize it's awful!) makes zero sense. This is not their war, so why are they fighting it? Why did Udo and Zofia have to die for an attack that happened when they were four? Why did Kaya have to lose her mother for something that happened before they both existed? I really wish that Gabi had to answer instead of Falco speaking up for her, because it would be so interesting to hear her wrap her head around that. Still, I think this conversation will be replaying in Gabi's head for a while.

J. J.

I think they compeltely missed that was Sasha's fam

Jay rellim

i dont get why ppl are like "now you understand why eren came and fucked yall up" but also hate what marley did to paradis? I thought the point was refuting gabi's logic was to say "you cant hate us for the sins for someone else who might look like us or come before us" also implies it was wrong for eren to take the bait and attack in the eldian ghettos and murder all of the civilians and whatnot. They didnt do anything to paradis in S1-S3? if yall can understand eren killing civilians and innocents over what marley did to paradis in s1-s3 then you can understand marley doing what they did to paradis in s1-s3 bc of what happened for thousands of years up until 100 years ago. it cant be "well, that's war" when paradis is getting revenge but terrible when it's the other way around. i think it's depressing on both ends

Jeremiah Nunez

The way gabi is thinking is just like a child she only knows one side and one side only that’s is and when she learn more about what is going on she is gonna break.


Didn't know we were getting Shield Hero S2 hype with that intro lol! But great reaction per usual.

Damion Middleton

Kaya is the real MVP this episode. Son, Gabi was about to kill her...TWICE!

Jonathan smith

The people that took in those orphans are Sasha's parents btw, they (along with the blonde girl) were at the graveyard mourning Sasha last episode!

Devil’s Advocate

Y’all ain’t have no reaction to that Mikasa flashback? Bro...


I actually thought that Reiner “hearing” Gabi and Falco was him having one of their memories instead of that being the last thing he remembered. It’s already been established that a shifter can even have the memories of someone who will have their power in the future so it could mean that either Gabi or Falco will get the armored titan.

Cori Curry

Gabi was acting weird because she said she didn’t want the eat their food and she is in their house so she is pissed she doesn’t realize they are normal at that point

JunpeiFES .

Just like krugger, who said mikasa and armin to gisha back in the day and he didnt know who were they? So special titans has the ability to see future host of titans? 🤔 is hange investigating the serum coup d’etat? Will gabi stfu for once? Lets keep watching 🙃

Otter Mane

I'll just say this. Those same Eldian civilians were also brain washed into actively believing that every Eldian on Paradis island should die, their children inducted into the military at the age of 12, all in the name of Marley. Yes, there are regular people just like in the island and Eren acknowledges that, but at the same time they are still enemies regardless on the very foundation that they have no love for the Eldian's on the Island. I don't blame the citizens of Liberio or any other Eldian out there because that is the cruel world they were born into but, I can't blame Eren for not hesitating to retaliate.


Remember that the only reason riener didnt kill himself was to look after falco and gabi and gabi is also his cousin


LMFAOO roshi was too quick with the shield bro im sitting here like what is this man holding


Isn’t it the same flashback we’ve seen back like in season 1? That’s what I thought initially but looking at again I’m not sure. So maybe they also thought it was the same one we’ve seen before

Tsunami Wave

I do not understand the Gabi hate one bit tbh. "Hey kid those people are evil demons who'll burn down your homes and kill your loved ones." Then Eren comes in and does exactly that, then she sees model warrior War Chief Zeke "die", Floch literally saying out loud that he wants to throw 2 kids out of a moving airship, Zeke's betrayal, and imprisonment on the island of "demons" she's heard horror stories about since she was born. If anything it's amazing Falco looks at it the way he does. He clearly wasn't under the same influence Gabi was.


bro I don't know if anyone said this but I thought that was a titan on lupa's hoodie 🤣🤣


I mean it just shows gabi has no clue how to think for herself thats why she frustrates me she has no critical thinking and can’t see any context clues like falco immediately noticed something was up with Reiner in the beginning of the season while Gabi sat and listened to a Reiner talk about paradis island and how they were just regular people and can’t seem to think huh he was actually there maybe there’s some truth to what he’s saying and just can’t seem to think for herself yeah floch wanted to throw her off the ship but she also heard Jean say they can’t just murder kids she also has Falco always by her telling her that her and the eldians are the same yet brushes that off she just can’t seem to think from other peoples perspective like why would Falco be saying that unless there’s some truth to what he’s saying he’s not just spouting bullshit and she can’t think huh maybe there’s a deeper reason as to why the highest ranking warrior in Marley would just betray the Marleyans for no reason she can’t see that eldians are being treated like dogs hit right in front of her? She very much annoys me

Jalen Holmes

The fact that it's sasha's family is insane


Fuck gabi she’s mad annoying


i feel like mikasa got that flashback because lousie said that mikasa saved her just like eren saved mikasa. that was cut from the manga. now mikasa is seeing a whole different side of eren. no longer the warmth/love she always got from that moment. but fear. mikasa's whole thing is, "the world is beautiful and cruel." and i think that applies to eren too. she has always seen the beauty of eren, but now she is seeing the cruelty in him.


I wanted Mikasa whopped Gabi’s ass really hard, grrrrr i hate her so much!!!!!


Bro I just realized that husband and wife that run orphanage are Sasha mom and dad


did they not realized that the old man in the house in the beginning was Sasha's dad?


gabi didnt flinch at sashas mom because shes not used to being treated like a normal child, she flinched because shes racist lmao

Ky Williams

gabby better have the worst death scene of aot bruh


Gabby sounds like all of twitter with the garbage coming out of her mouth lmfao


Also your memories aren't that great you should of known from minute one that was sashas family who invited them in they literally showed them at her grave last episode lmfao but yeah yalls memories are great im fucking dying watching you guys pat each other on the back for connecting it so late lmfao.


One thing you guys missed, those are Sasha's parents who took Gabi and Falco in, we saw them last episode at Sasha's grave.

Donaldo Medina-Lozano

Braus Stables? That was Sashas fam!!!! Im so hurt right now 🥲


This is the second reaction I've watched of this episode where no one noticed it was Sasha's parents haha I mean come ooooon! XD


Gabi is the product of her environment. I definitely don't like her but it's not her fault she hates her own people. It's like how upper class black people who hate lower class black people because they think they're so much better than them, but at the end of the day there's not much difference.


Bruh I watched this reaction on YouTube and noticed it didn’t have the part where they mentioned who they were and when I came to this one I was disappointed they didn’t catch that 😐😂


As soon as they said they were Sashas family I immediately dropped my jaw 🥺😦


Sheera is big brain for every series they watch


kids are trash and should die

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

Man I love Gabi 😂 she keeps trying to take out that girl 😂😂 And I love eren especially from the last episode when he was talking to Hange about how he could escape if wanted to and then grabbed her and was about to transform. Savages 😂 love them.


As soon as I saw the parents and blonde girl


Bro it was obvious that was the girl sasha saved from the start. She was shown earlier this season and also Sasha's father was shown. And he even said Blouse, Sasha's last name. Also remember their father raises and breeds horses for a living. Anyways, I never hated Gabi because I usually see other's in their perspectives before judging them. It can be easy to hate her for killing Sasha, but think logically.

Vensen Granville

Nicolo was told that kids boarded the airship and killed Sasha. If they go and eat there he will snap


Reiner did in fact hear their voices. That's not a bad call from Roshi. Remember how Eren Kreuger talked about how all titans/Eldians are connected in the end of season 3 part 2?


Everybody talking about Gabi being sheltered at Sasha old farm. Cool. That's covered. But the girl in the cell having the conversation with Mikasa, I believe was from Season 1 when Mikasa killed her first Titan as the rich folks were blocking the tunnel the citizens were evacuating through.


My guy pulled a whole shield out. Y'all are ridiculous :D

Kwame Afriyie

You guys didn't notice the adults were Sasha's parents (her mom and dad; her mom had her hand on Gabi's ungrateful, hateful ass hair)


it was literally about the scene from the invasion a couple episodes ago youre not clever


can't believe yall didn't recognize Sasha's dad who we saw just 2 episodes ago. And Sasha's last name is Braus. Since I'm very familiar with the show I ofc immediately recognized Sasha's dad and as soon as I saw the girl recognized her as the girl Sasha saved. Obv I don't expect everyone to remember her, but people should at least remember Sasha's dad


Bruh😭😭yall a lil slow,I thought you were gonna recognize when she said mom eaten alive😂😂 and showed her picture 😂😂

Revstarallstar .

I didnt know either. Some fans got that good good AOT memory and others got other shit on the mind than attack on titan


Roshi with the Shield Hero and blocking the attack killed me!!! 💀💀💀 rewound and watched it over 4 times lol!!! Sheera pays attention and I appreciate her for it 👍👏


Mikasa is a butch queen, being hit on by these girls lol