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last episodes caption was meant for this vid lmao


HBK 713 🏄🏾‍♂️

Me starts dancing doing the Jamea Browns shuffle in the living room 😁😅 no football practice for the week too... SHIDDDDD LOL


This means no slime no tensei no jaiju8no windbre.. today ?

Carla Thomas

love the vid but u guys still droping mushoku tensei today ?


They on vacation in Jamaica so probably no…this is prerecorded


They said we could expect the typical monday uploads to be on wednesday.


the "joke" she told saul has HEAVY significance and heavy meanings, one of the most impactful scenes of the entire series going forward

Jigga Man

I'm watching this for the first time as well but the lady's joke seemed like a coded message because the santi are always listening. She probably gave him an idea on how to defeat them but had to use the joke to disguise it from the santi.

Dark Shogun

She didn't just drink the kool-aid. She guzzled the whole pitcher.


When writing this, I didn't finish watching the reaction yet. But I noticed that they didn't notice; when Dr. Ye (traitor of humanity) looked at her family photo with her daughter. Her daughter looked the same as the little girl from the San-ti's virtual game.

Law Traf

Ye Wenjie has a plan, I don't know what but I believe that. I still don't understand that discussion with Saul about the God's joke but she clearly told him something very important in a hidden manner. It's clear that even Saul still didn't understand but I think he will understand later on and it will be something very important to humanity. What I kind of understood in that conversation based on her saying " Humor is a very personal thing, some people understand it and some people don't. Some jokes are so private, they only make sense between 2 people. But jokes are important. We wouldn't survive without them." I'm sure there's a very important information in that joke but for me with this commentary after the joke, Ye Wenjie was kind of telling him that because the San-ti are listening to everything, humans have the possibility to communicate with jokes. Only humans can understand jokes, the San-ti wouldn't know what they are actually saying. Soit would be a way to counter the sophon. That's just a theory tho.

L Jeans

ngl so excited for Link Click, but I'm gonna have to wait till next month cause Im saving for school. :( But I will be back.

rickie woodson

Oooh super early drop. Love to see it

Jermaine Johnstone

I hate to be that guy, but it's an ape not a monkey 😬


I love the boat analogy with Will because if it goes as planned he will literally be the passenger in Jin's boat (The ship his brain is in), in a way they would be "together" forever


Sheera said the aliens on Wikileaks😂😂


The characters are so self-righteous 😂


Sigh I was really doing my best but Auggie was definitely annoying in this episode. You’ve seen how damaging your technology could be in the hands of one man and your decision was to just provide it to everyone?! Make it make sense…what did you gain from that!? Why not be the one to make your tech is actually used for good and redeem yourself…plus there’s still a literal alien invasion on the way

Hasnain Khan



that 's a good theory. I agree. She is trying to tell him something on the low. Even if the San-Ti hear it they won't understand

Marshall Lee

everyone hair looks especially fire this episode

Marshall Lee

i will never understand the auggie hatred.


Honestly I'm enjoying this watchthrough a lot more than my first viewing. Because I was watching from the point of view of a book reader all I could see was all the changes and they frustrated the hell out of me. I still think there may be some problems down the line but we'll see. I am reminded of how D&D started changing GoT around season 5-6 and how those changes started compounding exponentially in 7-8. But I don't want to be a doomsayer. I hope they nail the next two seasons/books. It's finna get even weirder.




Definitely. Especially since she said he's perhaps the smartest in the group- that he's the type to figure things out. Ye wenjie didn't strike as a person to declare something for no reason. She meant what she said when she threatened the san ti. She had something for them. Maybe it was just a renewed faith in humanity. But she planted it with Saul, and possibly some other ways we'll find about later. Idk, it's that or the writers just wasted some dialogue for the sake of character development without plot in ye wenjie


She is too emotionally charged and makes irresponsible choices CONSTANTLY when the stakes they are dealing with is a threat to humanity. Time to grow up and be an adult like the rest of her friend group...no one likes to murder innocents or do these things but suck it up or die by aliens.


Victor Grubbs

Dr Ye’s joke to Saul was very important. Remember, the sophons are always watching


All I'm saying is, we're dealing with a series where the most central thing to the plot is interstellar travel (the San-Ti's and humanity's) and you really think owning that star won't lead to anything? Think ahead fam


Being a simp for plot doesn’t change the fact that you’re a simp.


Could someone please shoot this stupid pretentious bitch off her high horse?

Moses T24

I might be wrong but isn't the money being used for charity. I think "buying" a star was a way to donate the money.


damn. they had Tasha in cryo.

Corey Leach

Auggie dumb af for giving out her tech like that. She already seen how one guy used it for destruction and now she passing to governments who are most likely gonna weaponize the nano fibers to conquer and control other ppl and places. This kinda the equivalent to Oppenheimer passing out the bomb to everybody lmao.


You know no one really “owns” the star, right? Those “ownership rights” are absolutely meaningless lol


No character in this show is more selfish than Auggie. Clarence’s son may be a close 2nd.

Ian Hover

She gave this nigga the keys to the universe. Jus gotta let em cook😂

Ian Hover

Spoiler alert***** It’s wild how long it takes him to understand what she said. Ye wenjie was centuries ahead of everyone else in this shit. That’s why she had to go😂


The aliens already have Auggie's research, they are years ahead - they were stopping it so humanity doesn't reach it

Ian Hover

Enter the wallfacers 🫡


Auggie giving life changing tech to the world as open source so anybody can use it, and people are calling her selfish and horrible for that?


Jesus Christ the Auggie hate in this comment section is so stupid

Thulani Mason

I don't think this has much to do with the joke, but it reminded me of a famous Einstein quote that goes "God does not play dice." It referred to his disdain for the idea that deep down the universe is probabilistic, as is generally acknowledged in quantum physics.

Jermaine Johnstone

But she's not gonna die by aliens, that's part of her point. Nobody on earth is gonna die by aliens nor are their kids or grandkids because they're 400 years away.


fr the hate is so stupid to me. she literally said she's releasing her work so ppl who actually wanna do good with it CAN. the world's ending anyways so who really gives a fuck


Is she terribly written or is she just intentionally jarring?


I think people are really just annoyed with her self-righteousness and by proxy everything she does. It's kind of like Skyler hate in BB. People just hate her because she is very unlikebale even though a lot of the stuff she does is fairly reasonable.


...Ok I take it back. I agree with Roshi. Auggie is annoying character. Was hoping she was going to tightening up but looks like writers are sticking to the guns with her character...which is fine loool i guess stories like these have to these types of characters.

Eric Stormbringer

To me the conversation between Ye and Saul was a really impactful moment. The joke itself reads to me like an Autobiography of her life with Einstein representing her and God representing the San-Ti (particularly apt as her cult believed in them as Gods) Einstein (Ye Winje) died and went to heaven (became disillusioned with humanity and turned to exploring space). He loved music (the act of communication, sharing knowledge and learning) more than anything else. When he wanted to play, he was warned by the angels (the pacifist San-Ti) not to join in. However, he could not help himself and started playing once he heard the music (made contact with the San-Ti) and as a result was kicked in the balls (San-Ti invasion). He then learned not to play with God (her realization too late that she made a mistake) What's more impactful is the mechanism by which she told this story. She imparted knowledge to Saul in a way the San-Ti could not understand. Remember, the Sophons are everywhere and can listen in to everything. There are only 2 ways to defy that. One is by not communicating at all which is Wade's idea for the wallfacers. The other is to use jokes and stories to communicate. Remember the San-Ti fundamentally cannot understand stories. In a society where communication is perfect and instantaneous there is no need to tell stories. There is no way to formulate a joke because the punchline would be instantly communicated as soon as communication happens. Things like subtext, metaphors, irony etc would be completely unknowable to the San-Ti since they never had a need to develop them. Thus, it's a huge blindspot of theirs's and Ye Wenjie realizes it and communicates it to Saul. Her saying that "people couldn't survive without jokes" is her way of telling Saul that unless Humanity figures out how to utilize this blindspot then they are doomed. That being said the San-Ti are not stupid. They know about these 2 huge blindspots and they know that the only way they could possibly address them is by utilizing humanity itself. They can't understand jokes and stories but other humans can. Humans have had to figure out information that other people are hiding for generations. Hence, they reach out to the remaining cult members for help even though they would prefer not to. Finally, the last part of jokes often being something only 2 people can understand. The scene with Saul and Will joking with each other really seems like foreshadowing to me. Assuming that the San-Ti do rebuild Will- chances are he may figure out some way to communicate back to Earth or simply trick/lie/convince them to allow him to do so. If this does happen- they would need to talk in jokes or stories to ensure that they understand each other but the San-Ti can't. Saul and Will are perfectly positioned for this as 2 long-time friends who know each other intimately and who have an established rapport.

Marshall Lee

Yall sound absolutely bonkers. "no one likes to murder innocents but suck it up" how about not expecting people who didnt sign up for any of that to just be okay with that!! yall ask for shows w/ more realistic characters and when yall get it.... yea.

These Plums

No one noticed Ye's daughter was the little girl in the video game?


i really enjoyed reading this comment. Thanks for sharing that.

Gabriel Souza

You see how people have no idea how humans work when they don't get Auggie's actions